Young Danny 's life had passed away Beneath the waters blue This story that I am telling Is very sad but true It's a warning to young people That do not understand What danger lies in the sea and sky And even on the land So now I'll end my story A story sad but true Of that fatal Sunday When smiles turned to blue. His pal he tried to save him But his struggles seemed in vain Poor Danny's hour it seemed had come His soul the master claimed When at last they found his body And brought it to the shore The sight of it so still and cold Made many a young heart sore. The saddest sight I ever saw Was when his father came To see the grief upon his face Would fill your heart with pain Down on his knees beside his son The father slowly knelt Oh, Danny boy, please speak to me What pain he must have felt. UNUSUAL EVENTS WHALES An unusual happening that occurred in in October, 1925 was the beaching of over fifty whales. The whales came in on the beach below Joe MacKenzie's in . It is not known for sure what causes the whales to come in but it is suspected that it is an ear infection. In this particular case the whales measured up to twenty feet in length. The whales were not dead when discovered, and their blowing frightened the horses. Three larger whales that were outside the bar went out during the night, but those on the beach stayed. The oil from the head was rendered out and brought ten dollars a gallon. Local men hauled home the heads until late in the winter, rendering out the oil. The valuable oil was sold and used off the Island. No use could be found for the bodies and since no bulldozing equipment was available the corpses rotted on the beach. THE"ARK" On September, 1976, Hon. Pierre Trudeau , Prime Minister of Canada , accompanied by other cabinet ministers, dignitaries, and press entourage arrived in a helicopter near the point of to open the Ark. The Ark is an ecologically designed bio-shelter which was to have been powered and heated by the wind and sun. It housed a research laboratory, living unit, family greenĀ¬ house and as well a small commercial greenhouse and fish farm. In fact it never reached its full potential and government funds soon ceased. It closed down in June 1981. At the time of Writing the future of Ark is very uncertain. Only time will determine the fate of this $325,000 structure. 101