Station 56 I suppose you've heard the latest Of the news that's going 'round A station house that's been opened To the west of the town. It isn't very fancy And it isn't very grand Just a common model Built by a practiced hand. Its built by the builder Come listen onto me It's built by the same man That built the "Maggie C". It stands by the seashore Foundations they are sound Pon-me-soul it's painted red The roof and all around! Now some will ask the question "Why did he paint it red?" He didn't have the brown paint He used the red instead. And some will ask the question "Why did he build it high?" That is for the politicians Who'll be here by and by. But when the wind is blowing And the tide is rising high The waves they come asplashing Too near for you or I. Two ladies they were walking Down the wharf the other day And just by chance they took a glance Across the other way. Said one lady to the other "What building's that I pray?" The other looked embarrassed Said "I'm sure I cannot say". "Well I'll bet a pound of sausages And my ankle socks" said she "He'll use it in the wintertime To House the Maggie C." This poem was composed by a neighbour to poke a lighthearted jest at Mr. Saville 's well known efforts to secure rail service to the - Annandale area. 110