and cod in the summer, oysters in the fall and smelts, by gill nets in the open water ,n the fall, and by box nets set under the ice in le winter SJ by far the most important phase was the lobster fishing During one summer around 1905 the community had three lobster factories operatmi The factory at the end of the was operated until the 1940?' when ,t burned down. From that time on the lobster catch was trucked to Summerside , and at times to the mainland. «n Fr°m°b°u* 19'° to '940, the Fox Industry was also engaged in by ome m the District, mostly as a side line. After reaching its peak about SlrinTht dS^0^d6Clined' Qnd " ^ Pr6Sent le fh- ***> Rum running was also engaged in to some extent by some during the ha°u 'the te^TaN • ^ ""? 7"*™°,^ 9° -'«t night in small boats^ haul the ten gallon kegs m from the large ships which stayed outside the three mile lim.t. Some risk was involved, apart from the legal aspects as the boats were small and making safe harbour could be fricky coming over the sand bars through the dark of night and not being able to sZw relaxed " """ ° Pr°fi,ab'e ^ ""• °nd C°ntinUed u"«" "q-r law" By the 1970's, the mixed farming, and combination of farming and fishing ,s almost a thing of the past. From small farms, acreage has in creased by those remaining in the agriculture industry and most now specialize, m e.ther potato farming, Dairy farming or Beef. Acreage mosZ ranges from 180 to 400 acres. acreage mostly Lot 16 had th^r,riCa,1 At'taS °f uEJi Sh°WS ,hat Qt