^ MACCAUSLAND The land now owned by Nancy (nee Manderson) and Owen AAac- Causland, at the end of the , West side, was the site of the lobster factory which operated in the 1930's and early 1940's. It was purchased from the Fisheries Co-op. in 1975. The Mac - Causlands are presently living in Vancouver, B.C. where Nancy is a Probation Officer with the B.C. Government and Owen is with the Bank of Commerce. LINKLETTER Thomas AA. Linkletter, M.L.A. , though he didn't live in the District, owned a lobster factory situated on the shore at the end of the . He was very interested in the fishing industry, and during his time in the Legislature worked towards having a size limit for lobsters enforced, in an effort to protect small lobsters. Mr. Linkletter was married to Clara Matilda Creswell . Their son, T. Leland , married Wenonah Elizabeth Barberie of Campbellton and Fredericton, N.B. They made their home in Summerside , but in 1951 purchased 25 acres along the shoreline from the to Black Point in Lot 16 , and built a lovely summer home on the Point. There are two daughters, Marjorie Zilpha , Mrs. Billy MacMillan of Southport, P.E.I. ( Billy is a hockey player with the N.H.L .), and Lesie Elizabeth , B. Sc , presently doing research (Lab.) at the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, at St. Andrews , N.B. Mr. Linkletter passed away in 1972. SHIELDS (formerly the George Pye property) George Pye purchased this property of a home and 15 acres of land from Albert Baglole . Mrs. Baglole was a sister of N \r. Pye. The home was bought from William Millar and hauled to its present site. The Pye's moved into the home in 1937. George was first married to Ada Reeves from Victoria West . Their family were: Earl, married Ellen MacLeod of Mt. Pleasant. They had one son, Sherman, killed in an Air Force accident in 1973. Earl died in 1974. Stanley, married a Miss Shannon from , N.B. Their family were William, Muriel, Glen, Emmerson and Joseph. Janie, married Horace Crossman of Bedeque . Their four chldren are Wayne , Judy, Brian and Donna . Lily, married Norman MacLeod of Belmont. Family are Allan, Austin and David. Blanche, married Earl Enman of Victoria West . They live in Wellington, and their family are Ada, Leah, Emma Ruth , Dale and Brenda . Mrs. Pye passed away, and George later married Dena DesRoches of Miscouche . Their family are: Muriel, married Elmer Thompson of Belmont. They now live in St. Eleanors , and their family are Errol ( N.H.L. Hockey ), Carol, Sandra and Lonnie. June, married to Ralph Farrell and living in Downsview, Ont. Family are Vicky, Ivy and Heather. Clare, married Donald Jones , living in Fredericton , N.B. They 6 A