L / have one daughter, Cheryl . Vans , married Jennie AAacNeill of Rustico . Family are AAichele and Warren. Divorced in 1974 and remarried to Carolyn Hepner of B.C. Now living in Kelowna, B.C. Carl, married Sydella Grady. Has one child, Grant. They live in Charlottetown . Charles, married Vivian MacKinnon of Lot 16 . They now live in Summerside . Family are Lloyd, Hughie, Dwight, Liane and Kimberley. Sharon, married Richard AAacNeill of Rustico . They have one son, Kent. Lome, married Sue Jones of AAoncton, N.B. They have two children, Darlene and Andy and live in Summerside . George Pye died in 1973, and his widow Dena lives in Rustico . The property was sold to AAuncey Shields and his wife the former Carol Ar- senault, of Richmond , in the summer of 1975. The Shields have two children, LouAnne and Jason. The house is unoccupied at present. MANDERSON James AAanderson , with his wife, the former Minnie MacLeod , came to Lot 16 from New London in 1908 and purchased part of the Crossman farm. The original holding is still in the family. James (1865-1938) and Minnie (1884-1965) had a family of ten children; they are: Jack- (1907-1957), married Eileen Skerry , then of Allston, Mass. and formerly of Tyne Valley . Their family are: Marc/a, married Cpl. Denis Bright of Vernon , B.C. They have one daughter, Jeannie, born in 1970. The Brights live in Ottawa at present, where Denis is stationed at CFB Uplands. Barbara , R.N. , Ph. N ., married James Millar of Vancouver . They have two sons, Michael, born 1973 and Scott, in 1975. Now living in Halifax where James is a Medical student at Dalhousie University. Nancy , B. Sc , (Mt. A.U .), married Owen MacCausland , B.A . (Mt. A.U .) in 1975. Presently living in Vancouver . Cynthia, attending Notre Dame University in Nelson , B.C. Linda, married Pierre Moison of Ottawa in 1976. John, Steven and Jill , at home. Jean- married Alvin Webb of O'Leary . Widowed since 1971 and living in Woodstock , Eva - married James A. MacGregor of Lot 16 . They have one daughter, Mary Ellen , now married to Donnie MacWilliams of Cape Traverse , and three sons, Neil, Summerside ; Barrie, B.P.E. ( U.N.B .), M.P.E . ( U ., Mass. ), now in England ; and Brian , B. Mus .) ( U . of Moncton). James MacGregor died in 1973, and Eva lives in Summerside . Ann - married Glen Campbell of Milburn , P.E.I. They have one son, Randolph, and live in Hamilton, Ont. Maude - married BJ. DeGasparro of SAult Ste Marie, Ont. Their family are James (two children, Lisa and Jamie); Alan (two children, Krista and marc); Anne and Susan. Betty , R.N. - married John Russell of Montreal. Their family are Johnny and Laurie, and they now live in London, Ont. Marion , R.N. - married Edward Doherty of N.B. Family are James (one daughter, Sabrina Celeste, 1976); David (one daughter, Melissa Linda , 1976) and Jackie . The Dohertys live in London, Ont. Lily - fnarried Edmund Compton of St. Eleanors . Family are lan,~ Alfred (married Verna Martin ); Douglas and Cahterine. Leigh (1927- 1950). James Orville (1922-1925)