Living in Wellington, Ont. Frank, married to Bertha Ramsay of Belmont Lot 16 , and now living in the homestead. Family of Frank and Bertha are: Donna, married to Darrell Lyle. (Two daughters, Carol and Ellyn ); Gordon, married to Diane Rayner of St. Eleanors . Ada, married to Channing Coughlin . Family of Channing and Ada are: Betty, married to Emmett Yeo . One daughter Debbie and one son Gary. Since divorced; remarried to Alois Klim and now living in Vancouver, B.C. Phyllis, married to Russell Palmer and living in St. John , N .B. Family of Phyllis and Russell are Stephen and Cheryl . Ivan, married Betty AAacGregor of St. Eleanors . They live in Lot 16 . Hazel, married to Hubert White and living in St. Laurent, Que. Family of Hazel and Hubert are Lynn, Ronnie and Maureen. The first house on this property was situated almost opposite the lane of W.J. MacLean 's property and was hauled across the brook. The present house was hauled from the Campbell property and had a kitchen built on. It has been remodelled many times over the years. ALFRED BANKS Alfred Banks , formerly of Lot 11 , bought this land and home from George Skerry in 1966. He is married to the former Evelyn Murphy of MacNeill's Mills. Their family are: Keith, of O'Leary . Lorraine, Mrs. Winston Barlow of Ellerslie . They have 2 children, Dawn and Tracey. Wesley, married to Patsy Hutchinson, living in Ellerslie . They have one daughter, Kelly. Judy, now Mrs. Clement Kelly of , They have four daughters, Mary, Pamela, Laura and Emily. Harry, married to Betty Moore of Mt. Pleasant, now living in Lot 16 . They have one son, Jason. DENIS BRIGHT HOME (formerly William J. MacLean homestead, and referred to in old records in Charlottetown as "Fountainhead") Laughlin MacLean and his wife, Catherine emigrated from Mull, Scotland on the ship Clarendon, sailing from Oban, Argyleshire, in August 1808. After a stormy crossing lasting 3 months, and missing Pictou , where they planned to land, they drifted into Malpeque Harbour and up to 'The Cove" in Lot 16 and spent their first winter there. Next year, 1809, they leased 100 acres of land here. They brought the following children from Mull — Flora, aged 30 in 1808. Hugh, 1783-1859. Ann 1788-1878. Hector 1793-1883. John, 1796. Euphemia, 1802. At the time they emigrated, Laughlin was 60 and his wife Catherine was 56. Their son Hector, ancestor of the Lot 16 MacLean's, married Agnes Sinclair of Malpeque . Their family were: Alexander 1825-1835. Rachel 1826-1923. Donald 1828-1893. Catherine 1831-1858. Margaret 1833-1835. Jane 1835-1905. Alexander 1837-1858. James 1843-1843. John, no data. Rachel married Roderick William MacLean . Their family were William J.; Agnes M. ( Linkletter ); G. 11