Alfred E.; James G.; D. Alexander; Catherine Jane. William J. married Isabella Smith of Eldon. Their family were: James G. 1882—1967. Married
Harriet Clark. He was known as ’Mack’. Alvira, 1886. Married Prescott Forbes of‘South West Lot 16. They live at Medicine Hat, Alta. Rev. B. Vans
1891-1971. Married Beatrice Campbell of Alberton. Georgie,B.A. 1898- 1973. Married M. Giles Cannon of Elgin, Ont. Roy E. 1885—1949. Married Isabel MacGregor of Lot 16. Blanche 1889-1960, unmarried. James G. and his wife Harriet had 6 children: Arnold, married Areta Gardiner,
Charlottetown. Brenton, married Amy Harper, now living in Truro, NS. Marion, married Allan Scott, living at Oak Lake, Man. Garth, married
Doreen MacLean of South West Lot 16. Mildred, married Earl Clark, living at Baltic, P.E.|. Neil, married Audrey Aitken living at Oshawa, Ont.
Garth and his wife Doreen acquired the farm from his brother Brenton, who occupied it for a short time. Garth and Doreen lived in it for a time, but
now live in South West.
Denis Bright, of BC. and his wife Marcia Manderson, bought the home and approximately two acres of land in _ 1975, Garth retaining the
remaining farmland.
Garth and Doreen have four children - Janice (married Aubrey Arm- sworthy - one daughter, Stacey Ena and one son, James Kyle); Dwight, Bruce and Vans, at home. The Brights have one daughter, Jeannie, born in 1970. They presently reside in Ottawa and rent the home, planning to
occupy it later on. ' JACK YEO HOME
The land, three acres, on which Jack Yeo and his wife, the former Jean MacArthur, built their new home in 1951 had been part of the Harry Yeo farm. Their three children are: Norma (married Wayne Malone; one son, Duane Steven born 1975. they live in Charlottetown); Ronald , B.A.,
B.Ed. (U.P.E.l.) and Sylvia, at home.
JOHN ROBERT MacDONALD son of John MacDonald and Annie MacLaurin MacDonald, was born Nov. 20, 1889, at the Ferry Homestead at Central Lot 16, P.E.I. shortly after the death of his father. He left school when he was 16 years of age to work on a farm. Following the trend of the times, he left the Maritimes and wen_t to Boston where he worked with! the Boston Elevated Railways as a conductor for less than a year. He then shipped on a cattle boat to Liverpool, England and returned to his native P.E.l. in May, 1907. Along with others from the some community, he went west on a Harvest Excursion and started work near Brandon, Manitoba. When he was finished there, he worked successively at Phoenix, B.C., Calgary and Blairmore, Alberta, at mining, lumbering and ranching.