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leading Agriculturist of the District, and associated with many Farm- Organizations in an executive capacity. It was often said of him that he was a generation ahead of his time. He was instrumental in introducing Cobbler Seed potatoes, and later Green Mountains. He and Wilfred Boulter

I of Tryon and Charlottetown promoted the Potato Growers Association of

P.E.l. William Humphrey MacGregor and Mary Crawford MacLean

_. MacGregor’s family are as follows: ISABEL MACLAURIN MACGREGOR - - married to Roy E. MacLean of Lot 16. Isabel and Roy had a family of four -

Gwendolyn Blanche, married Frank L. MacNutt of Malpeque. Two

j daughters, Isabel and Eleanor. Kenneth MacGregor MacLean, married ; Mary Marchbank. Twin daughters, Gail and Gloria, another daughter, 5 Marilyn, and one son, Roy. DonaldEdgarMacLean, married Jean MacLeod.

: Three children - Judy, Heather and Allan. Marjorie L. MacLean, married : Walter Norman Underwood. One daughter Joan. ARCHIBALD KENNEDY -'_ MACGREGOR married Violet Susan Lyle of Lot 16. JAMES ALBERT (died

1973); was married to Eva Manderson of Lot 16. Family of four - James Neil, Mary Ellen, Dean Barrie and Brian Claude. LENA CHARLOTTE

MACGREGOR, married Fred Parker. Family of two—William MacGregor,

_‘ married Olive Mae Jelley of O’Leary, and Barbara Margaret, married D. : George Clark of Kensington. BARBARA CRAWFORD MACGREGOR, married

Allan Crawford Tate of Ottawa. DORIS HARRIET MACGREGOR, married

7 Austin Clarence Carr. They had two sons, Kenneth Austin and Allan MacGregor; both died by drowning in 1972. Kenneth was married to

Christine Ramsay of Lot 16. Two children, Gregory and Kimberly. Allan married Helen Murphy of Sea View. One daughter, Sharon Elizabeth.

'- CHARLES ANDREW -April 5, 1916 —April 10, 1917.

JANE - married Donald Campbell. Their family were Archibald (married Kate Hooper); Eliza; Mary Jane; Marjorie and Clinton. Clinton

married Lena Charlotte Rowan.

PETER - married Harriet Green. Lived in Ellis River.

MARY '— Spinster.


Archibald K. MacGregor - Arch is married to the former Violet Lyle. They purchased the land and built a new home in 1961. Former holders of this portion of land were: John Thomas Best, 1885; George Higgins, 1888; Matthew Higgins, 1894; Maggie Muttart, 1913; William J. Hutchinson, 1930; Eliza Agnes Hutchinson, Gladys Ruth Roberts, 1946, Amy Florence Costello.

Willis MacLean - This home was the Manse of the United Church, and

was built in 1929. A Reddy Thompson, who built wagons and sleighs, had

lived on this property in 1885. Ministers who occupied the Manse were:


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