L FAMILY EMIGRATES Around the 1st of July, 1850, Alexander Millar with some of his sons, including Alexander Jr ., and a son-in-law Andrew AAcCauley left Scotland and came to Prince Edward island, taking 67 days to reach Saint John , N .B. , then going by stagecoach to Shediac where they crossed over NorĀ¬ thumberland Strait to Summerside . They landed in early September. The following year, April 1, 1851, Mrs. Millar left Scotland with the rest of the family to join her husband and the other children in P.E.I. , taking 23 days for the journey. They landed at Pictou, N.S. and went by steamer to Charlottetown , thence to the Brackley Point Road. It was there the migrants had their first meal on P.E.I. , on May 5, 1851. In 1862 Alexander Jr . (son of Alexander and Janet) left home to go gold digging in Nova Scotia , remaining there for a short time. He returned home and in 1866 married Sarah MacMurdo of , and they lived n Lot 16 where he farmed and was in the business of threshing grain. Children of Alexander and Sarah were. 1. Annie, born August 6, 1867, married John F. MacLennan of Bradalbane, P.E.I , in Boston around 1893. There were two children - Lillian Ethel , born Feb. 13, 1895 and married to Robert I. Barnes , in Hartford, Conn. , and John Milton , born May 16, 1897, married to Tressie Mills of Vanceboro, Maine. 2. William Alexander , born on October 13, 1869; married Florence Gardiner in April, 1900. Florence died March 23, 1947. Their children are - Willard, born March 30, 1901. Went to Seattle, Washington and Portland , Oregon . Served in U.S. Navy during World War II. Was killed at work on Jan. 23, 1946; Interred at Lot 16 . Hazel, born December 13, 1903. Living in Lot 16 . Sarah, born April 18, 1907, married and lives in Oregon . Alvira, born April 27, 1910, married Chalmers Hutchinson . Living in Lot 16 . 3. Lillian - born September 6, about 1872, married Alexander MacLean about 1888. Family are Lorna, Sept. 1, 1891, married Clayton Forbes of S.W. Lot 16 . Lulu, born Sept. 19, 1898, married Cecil Forbes (Clayton's brother). Harold, married Ella Williams in 1924. Roderick Sterling , married Lillian Newcombe of Northam in 1926. Lillian (Newcombe) MacLean died in 1967. Sterling later married Li la Wood. 4. Percy - born December 10, 1874; married Frances Brown about 1903. Their children are: Mabel, born May 22, 1905; Vernon, 1911-1920; Lily, born October 1, 1912 and William born August 6, 1914. 5. Henry - born April 17, 1875; married Mollie Washburn of North Carolina . Family are Minnie Lee , married Kermit Stennes; Herbert and Joan. All the Henry Millar family live in State of Washington. 6. Edward L . - born July 2, about 1880; married Blanche Colwill September 20, 1905. Had twin daughters, Maisy and Gladys, born June 30, 1906. Maisy married Ivan Clarke . They have three children - Leigh, Edward and Thelma. Gladys married Eldon MacLean, they have one child, Miller. 7. Ethel May - A nurse in Boston, (deceased). In 1847 Christian Millar (daughter of Alexander and Janet) married 19