L DARRELLLYLE The first owner of this property was Donald Campbell and his wife Jane MacGregor , daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Wm . MacGregor. Their family were: Archibald (married Kate Hooper ); Eliza, AAarjorie and Mary Jane . Next owner was W.H. MacGregor . In 1943 his son Archibald and wife Violet Lyle built a home and barns on the land and resided there until 1962. The property was then sold to Darrell Lyle. Darrell was first married to Marjorie Riley , from Baltic . They had one daughter, Darlene. His second marriage was to Donna MacLaren of Lot 16 . They have two daughters, Carol and Ellyn . LYLE HISTORY James Lyle was born January 31, 1805, in Devonshire , England . He came to Prince Edward Island in his early manhood. On October 3, 1932 he married Elizabeth Birch . The first few months of married life they lived in Indian River . They bought some land in Central Lot 16 and built a log cabin home near where the school house now stands. In the year 1836 they built a house which is still standing on the Lyle farm. This was called Lyle Inn , and was a stagecoach stop. They kept the Post Office, a small amount of merchandise, over-night guests, as well as served meals and had a tavern. They had a family of eleven children. One son, William, took over the farm. He married Susan Hutchinson . As years went by the Hotel life gradually came to a private home life, which has been carried on since that time. William and Susan had a family*of four. One son, Prushia, married Rachel MacLean in December, 1904. They took over the farm in 1906. They had three children, Hazel, who died in infancy, Violet and Wilfred. The farming continued and Prushia was one of the pioneers in Seed Potatoes. They boarded school teachers for many years, and had a small Silver fox ranch which was discontinued in 1946. * In 1937 Prushia and Wilfred built the present homestead. Violet married Archibald MacGregor , Wilfred married Helen Forbes . Wilfred and Helen had two children, Darrell and Grace , R.N. On June 24, 1957 Rachel passed away, and Prushia on December 12, 1969. At this time Wilfred took over the farm. Darrell, is the fifth generation; he and his father went into partnership. Darrell married Marjorie Riley and they had one daughter, Darlene. Second marriage to Donna MacLaren; family are Carol and Ellyn . Grace married James MacLaurin and their family are Joan, Kent, Jane and Anne. 21