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Isadore married Mary Woods. Bought their form from Ambrose Farrell. It

was formerly owned by James Simmons. Isadore and Mary had two children, Leo and Irene. Leo married Amy Maclnnis of Alberton, and they

live on the homestead. They have five children - Irene, R.N. married

Richard Joseph Gaudet of Halifax, NS Linda, R.N. - married Blair Joseph-

Arsenault of Charlottetown. They have one daughter, Dylana and live in

' Summerside; DaVid, married Bonnie MacKinno-n of Ottawa, they live in St.

Eleanors with their two children, Trevor and Gregory. Anne, B.Ed., married Michael Jardine of Riverview, N.B. and Victor, student, at home. Irene Farrell married. Frank Wendt of Montreal. They have one son, Frank Jr. Mary Woods Farrell is now (1976) in her 94th year, the oldest resident at present of Central Lot 16. Lillian - married Manuel Steele of Wellington. JAMES married Maryann Lecky, and they had nine children - Ambrose, John J., Lawrence, Loman, Johanna, Anastasia, Cecelia, Mamie and Minnie. Ambrose married Sophia Woods, they had two daughters, Mary Eliza, died young, and. Madonna, married Bill Nicholson, Albany, P.E.I. John J. married a girl from Belgium. They had one son, Raymond, now living in Toronto, Ont.; Lawrence, married Lottie MacDonald of Grand River; Loman, living in Charlottetown Johanna, married O’Connell Noonan of Albany, P.E.|.: Anastasia, married Patrick Butler of U.S.A. They had two children, Mary and Bill, living in U.S.A.; Cecilia, married in U.S.A.; Mamie married Dr. James Farrell, formerly of Tignish, they moved to Winnipeg, Man.; Minnie, married in USA. MARGARET married a Mr. Lecky. CATHERINE - married Joseph McNeill. Died May 20, 1862. NANCY —- married

a Mr. Simmons.


Lawrence O’Farrell was the first owner. He came from Longford, Ireland, and married Nancy Maclntyre. His son John and wife Catherine Lecky were the next owners. Their family were: Joseph, Isadore? Ann, Lilla. Joseph married Mary Steele and continued to live on the farm. Their family

were Mabel m.Hugh MacKinnon; Ray m. ’Margaret Campbell Found; Leonard m. Mary Wells, living in Charlottetown; Wilfred m. Hilda Muttart, living in Quebec; Urban m. Bernadette Murray, living in Miscouche; Theresa m. David Lecky, Charlottetown; Ralph m. June Pye, Hamilton, Ont.; Marion m. George Irwin, Valleyfield, Quebec; Nora m. Leigh Maclntyre, Grand River. The property was sold to Wendell Birch of


BANNERMAN CRAIG Mr. Craig bought his lot from Wendell Birch and built a new home in 1973. He is married to the former Arlene Monkley, and they have five children—David, Donald, Douglas, Nancy and Lynn, all at
