~ Prince Ed‘Ward Island’s Wedding Gift to Princess Elizabeth

His Honor Lt.-Gov. J. A. Bernard (left) and Premier J. Walter Jones (right) holding the beautiful Platinium Fox Pelts presented by the Province of Prince Edward Island to Princess Elizabeth. These furs are sufficient to make one long cape, one short jacket and a double

neck piece.

to London. They fetched high prices. Mr. Dalton, Mr. Oulton, Mr. Gordon and/Vlr. Tuplin refused to sell live silver foxes and kept their monopoly of the furs. At last, about I909, Charles Dalton agreed to sell a pair for $25,000.00 and the other men decided to Sell live foxes for breeding. Mr. Dalton and Mr. Oulton broke up partnership. Mr. Oulton moved away from the Island and Mr. Dalton returned to Tignish. Prices for live foxes rose to $35,000.00 0 pair. In I914 there were 312 fox ranches on the Island, valued at twenty million dollars. Live foxes from P.E.I. were sent to other provinces in Canada, to the United States, Europe and Asia. Charles Dalton became a millionaire and gave large sums of money to schools and hospitals. He was Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island from I930 to I933. A monument to pioneer fox ranching has been erected near Alberton.

The Silver Fox Breeders Assoc. was established in I913, with the object in view of conserving the interests of the breeders, and protecting pur—


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