n PeaTvt io\ V m SSle Siildair MacKay" 1915 " Glad*s MacArthur. 1916- Pearl Yeo 1917 - New two room school opened Georgie (MacLean) Cannon Principal; Alvira MacLean Forbes Jr. teacher. 1918 - Georgia molCaAnnon' Alvira MacLean Forbes . 1919 - Florence (Creswell) ^ Ruh ?neS G7p "I"'' TohTaS McNd,y'' Jennie (Bowne«) S Stavert * i £WDen^ls) P;°ft,; R,u? (Linkle^r) Esplen; Margaret Pillman ) Stavert. 1925 - Georgina (Cairns) Cairns; Edith (Creswell) Chappell 1927 - Charles Bacon ; Marion Townsend Fisher ; Florence Peake ; Gladys Wright M V . f /**",fe 5,*monts Stuart- 1928 - Florence Clements Stuart . 1929 - Mabel (Millar) Dawson; Freda Brown Woodside; Marion MacSwain BE t %??\* ¥",; ViVian Woodsid*- 1933-34 - Evelyn (Mayne) Yeo. S 'if " R? Ph Larkm- ,935 - 37 - ^an (Manderson) Webb. 1937 - 40 - Wilfred Fa ,r.||; Howard Christie . 1941 -42 - Francis Cairns ; Hazel (Enman) Ramsay; Gwen (MacLean) MacNutt. 1943-47- Wendell Phillips . 1947 - 48 - Reg.na Gillis. 1948 - Doreen (MacLean) MacLean. 1951 - 55 -Olga (Simo- son) Gamble. 1954-55 - Ann Tuplin ; Aeneas Murray . 1955 - 56 - Georgina Matheson ; Anne Matheson . (twins). 1956 - 57 - Olga (Simpson) Gamble. oS An fabm^OI9a (Simpson) Gamble; Margaret (Milligan) Ross. 1958 - 60 - Jean (Reeves) Campbell. 1959-60 - Dorothy (Monklev) M°h T^o" E ,nid (,Newcombe) Birch. 1960-62 - Helen (Mu phy) Car wT% £'? "^ar° (C,Utdiffe) C°USe- 1963 " 64 " Maud Kells ) Kemp 1964- 65 -Shirley (MacArthur) Barlow. 1965-66 - Donald Ramsay . 1967-68 69 - Evelyn (Mayne) Yeo. A LIST OF RATEPAYERS CENTRAL LOT 16 DISTRICT, 1904-5 Robert MacLaurin ; Est. William Lyle ; Est. Peter MacLaurin ; Arthur MacLaurin ; William Crossman ; John O'Farrell ; James O'Farrell ; Ambrose O'Farrell ; Est. Montague Gardiner; Richard Gardiner ; Robert Hutchinson ; Est. Donald Hutchinson ; David Leckey ; Joseph P. Leckey ; Hubert Lyle ; George H. Large ; Peter Laughlin ; Matthew Gamble ; Matthew Higgins- Mrs' Alexander Miller ; William Miller ; Wm. H. MacGregor ; Joseph Simmons- Edward Simmons ; John Thomas Sr. ; Laurence Yeo ; Jabez Yeo ; Frank Yeo ' Archibald Campbell ; Charles Barrett ; Abel Clarke ; Hubert Crossman- Est' Edward Laughlin ; Wm. J. MacLean ; James Skerry ; John Thomas Jr - Mrs Allan MacLeod . 36 /