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Land for the Community Hall was procured on a 99 year lease dated April 27, 1908 from Mr. Wm. H. MacGregor. The Hall Company was comprised of Fulton Simpson, President, and James G. MacLean, Secretary. The building, about 30 x 60 feet, was hauled from MacDougall’s Corner, Cross Rivers, by horses, in 1908. Purchase price was $80.00. It was enlarged in l935 by about 25 feet, forming the stage and a kitchen in the basement. In 1964 a new kitchen was built on the South side as a Centennial proiect. In 1968 a hot air furnace was installed and in l975 an electric range. 01‘- ficers in 1976 are: President ~ Jack Yeo; Secretary, Mrs. Glenford MacLean;

Treasurer Mrs. Allison MacLean.