suspended operations and went out of business, about 1930. lt’s'closing was due to a variety of causes, some of which were the shortage of milk, which came about as large Town establishments grew up and proved too strong competitors for the smaller factories; a lot of farmers going into heavier potato growing, and a very low market price for cheese. The first secretary of the Lot 16 Dairying Co., the business concern operating the factory, was the late Mr. A.E. MacLean, M.P., and the first president was Daniel Campbell of Central Lot 16. Directors were Samuel Simpson, David
Leckie, Rev. John A. MacDonald, Joseph Cameron, W.H. MacGregor and Lawrence Yeo. .
Some of the Cheese Makers recalled are: Loman Adams, Wilfred MacDougall, Ed Larkin, John Barrett, George and Harry McGuirk, Chalmers Hutchinson and Morton Larkin.
When the business started as a butter factory, it had a cold storage plant in connection therewith. When the manufacture of butter was discontinued, a drying room was built, 26 x 43 ft. The factory occupied a
space of 90 x 25 ft.
The site of the cheese factory later came into possession of J.L. Rayner, and he had a store and house combination built in 1940. At that time the store was the second largest country store on the Island and had selling space on three floors. Loring was married to Margaret Pickering from Sea View, and they had five children: Loring Jr., married Judy Waite of Ken- sington, they now live in Charlottetown. Mary, married Jim Hawley of Cape ‘Breton. They live in Truro, NS. Margaret, Mrs. Harry Large of Charlottetown. Melda, married Colin MacBeth of Montague, they now live in O’Leary. Robert, married Beverly Profitt of St. Eleanors. They live in Moncton. The store burned down in 1949 and the Rayner family moved to Summerside. Margaret Rayner passed away; some years later Loring married Eleanor Higson of Charlottetown. The building across the road from the store, now owned by Allison Noye of Belmont, Lot 16 was for-
merly owned by Bert Lyle of North St. Eleanors and was hauled from there in 1942 by Mr. Rayner and used as a warehouse for the store.
It was sold to Clarence MacFadden, and his wife Lottie MacFadden, now of Summerside, in 1949 and completely renovated for a home. The MacFadden’s lived there until 1964. Their family are: Joan, married to George MacQuarrie of Ellerslie. They live in Fredericton, NB. Allan, married to Donna Price of N.B. Now live in Fredericton. Donald, married Faye Creswell of St. Eleanors. Now live in Summerside East. Joyce, now Mrs. Philip Roode living in MacPherson’s Mills, NS. The home was sold to Allison and Anna (Monkley) Noye and occupied by them until they built a new home in Belmont in 1974. The house is now rented.