y COMMUNITY PASTURE In the late 1950's and early 60's Ken AAacLean visited some areas of Western Canada where Co-operative Community Pastures were operating for the benefit of livestock farmers by providing grazing land as an ad¬ ditional source of feed. He discussed this possible alternate source of livestock feed with the livestock farmers in Lot 16 , and it was decided to set up a similar program here. A Co-operative was organized in 1962 which was called the Lot 16 Grasslands Co-operative, and which provided the legal entity for what became the first Community Pasture in Prince Edward Island . First Officers were: President - Ken AAacLean ; Vice-President - Keith Barrett ; Secretary - John Yeo . There are three areas of land involved, two in Central and one in Southwest , on an area whch is sometimes called Cameron's Hill. When the Co-operative was first organized there were about thirty- five members, and that number has remained fairly constant over the years. About two years later a livetock auction was organized by the Co ¬ operative on that part of the property which was known as the Large property. This facility was used quite extensively for a few years, but was not as successful as the grazing operation, as people preferred to match wits on an individual basis with the cattle drovers. However, the facilities are used occasionally and can be put into operation on short notice. Of¬ ficers in 1976 are: President, Erskine Forbes ; Secretary - Treasurer , John Yeo . COMMUNITY PASTURE LAND Comprised of the following lands- CLARKE LAND - first owned 100 years ago by a AAr. Daley, and was bought by John Clarke and his wife Sarah Rockham from Wheatley River . At the time they drove all their animals up to their new farm. It was later divided between two of their sons, Adam and Abel Clarke. John Clarke and his wife moved to Belmont with the rest of their family. Abel Clarke married Katie Enman from Enmore and they had five sons - Herman, Ivan, Earl, Percy and Sidney. Herman and Earl were in the First World War and Herman was killed overseas. Sid served in the Second World War. Ivan joined the R.C .AA.P. and Percy farmed. The Clarkes sold it to Leigh Clarke and he later sold it to the Community Pasture Co-op THE CROSSAAAN PLACE - had 85 acres of land and was bought by Hubert Crossman from Frasers. Hubert had a lobster factory on the shore and canned lobsters for many years. Quite a number of people from AAiscouche worked at the factory. Hubert Crossman married Ella AAacLean from Lot 16 and had a family of four - Fred, Ella, Nina and Walter. The Crossmans sold it to Ivan Clarke , who later sold it to Lloyd Best . Lloyd was married to Bernice Affleck from Bedeque and they had a family of three - 51