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And I was living for your baby smile For you were ever all the world to me.
And now you are no longer by my side
And oh! I miss you more than words can tell, But I have sent you forth, in joy and pride, To guard that England which I love so well.
For l have lived, and loved, for many years
In that clear land of mine across the sea,
And now they call for help, in blood and tears, I send them you, a living part of me.
So all alone, each night | kneel in prayer And pray to God that I may live to see
New joy and peace to people over there, And you, my son, safe home again with me.
Central Lot 16 is very proud of the men from the District who served in the two greatest world conflicts in history - World War I, 1914ā1918, and
World War II, 1939-1945; in smaller wars, and in times of Peace. Following
are brief histories: 1 ST WORLD WAR
Earl Gordon Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Clark and brother of J. Herman Clark, who was killed overseas. He volunteered for active service and served overseas in France in the 8th Canadian Seige Battery. He was gassed while fighting in France, but remained in the Army until the end of the War. After his Discharge he ioined the Royal West Mounted Police, later known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He won two top awards in Marksmanship with Cross rifles and Cross revolvers. After his
Discharge from the RCMP. he worked with the CPR. and was killed on duty. He was married to Mary Shields and they had two daughters, Helen
and Peggy.
Gnr. J. Herman Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Clark. He volunteered for active service and served overseas in the 8th Canadian Seige Battery. He was killed in action September 9, 1918, at the age of 22 years.
John Joseph Farrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell. He volun- teered for Active Service and served in France. He married a Belgian girl and from this union had one son, Raymond. After his Discharge he resided
in Summerside.
Lom'an Farrell. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell. He volunteered for Active Service and served in France.
Philip lecky. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lecky. He volunteered for Active Service and served in France. Soon after his Discharge from the Army he was drowned while working on a boat in Charlottetown.