- were different sizes of moulds, some making as many as twenty candles. Kerosene lamps provided the next improvement in lighting, and there were lamps for the homes and lanterns for the barns. Gasoline lamps were used a good deal too. Though the incandescent light was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison , it was 1950 before Lot 16 reaped the full benefits of electricity, with so many appliances saving untold work in homes and out buildings. WATER At first, it was carry water from the nearest spring or brook. Then came digging of large wells, lining them with stone,and buckets were let down on a rope and filled and hauled up. Some had winders for this chore. Then came wells bored tediously by sharpened bits driven down by hand power, and pitcher-head pumps. One of those in the kitchen was a boon indeed to the housewife. Later many people had gasoline engines pump their water, as plumbing gradually came into use. But in 1950 practically all gas driven engines were abandoned for that purpose, and the electric pump came into practically every home, bringing the same convenience to the country as had long been enjoyed by those living in towns and cities. BRIEFS FROM THE PAST- A newspaper clipping from 1889 notes that " has become the Klondike of Prince Edward Island , with oysters so scarce and prices quoted of nine to twelve dollars a barrell". 1837 - Fence Viewers and Constables appointed - John Ramsay , Richard Smallman , James Rochford , William Hutchinson . 1838 - Public Works - Repairs to bridge near Ramsay's, Lot 16 ; Bridge for Lower ; Road from Rochford's to AAacGregor 's, Lot 16 ; Aid for road Cross River to AAacLean 's Ferry - from Ellis River shore to road leading to southwest ferry - repairing Ellis River bridge. There were evidently no curbs on advertising claims, as this item from an Island newspaper at the turn of the century proves!-"Drunkenness- Liquor Habit in all the world there is but one cure- Dr. Haines ' Golden Specific . It can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and today believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address in confidence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO .f , Cincinnati, Ohio ." Great Inventions of the 1800's: 1. Railways. 2-Steamships. 3. Electric Telegraphs. 4 -The, Telephone. 5 - Lucifer Matches. 6 - Gas illumination. 7 - 60