Inducted in the Church at Lot 16 on November 9th, 1853. He preached in Lots 16, 14 and 11, and occasionally at the Court House in St. Eleanors . He laboured earnestly for nine years. The congregation was then divided, as Summerside was growing and needed Supply . The fourth Minister Ordained in the Lot 16 Church, on August 13th, 1862, was the Rev. W.R. Frame . Both the Lot 16 and the Summerside Parishes were served by Mr. Frame . During the Ministery of Mr. Frame , a new Church was finished in Summerside . The Lot 16 congregation assisted in the building of the first Church, but as time went on Summerside grew so rapidly that they demanded more Services. In 1870 Summerside was first formed into a separate congregation. Lot 16 being left to look after itself, for a time cast it's lot with Lot 14, Tyne Valley and Lot 11 , and called Rev. Henry Crawford . In 1876 the church was made smaller. Presently, the Lot 16 congregation is a member of the North Bedeque Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada; Freetown and North Bedeque are the other congregations which compose the Charge. On October 10, 1971, a Service marking the one hundred fiftieth Anniversary of the founding of Presbytery of Prince Edwar Island was held in the Lot 16 Church. The Service was presided over by the Rev. Thomas G . Whent , Chairman of the Prince Edward Island Presbytery of the United Church of Canada, and Minister of the Lot 16 congregation. Guest Preacher was the Rev. E. Russell Woodside, D.D. , of Bathurst, N.B. Mr. Woodside is a former Minister of the Lot 16 congregation. It was in the vicinity of the Lot 16 Church that the first Presbytery of Prince Edward Island was by Deed of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia constituted on October 11, 1821, and held its first meeting in the home of Archibald Campbell , Esq., Belmont, Lot 16 . Included in the membership of the first Presbytery were the Rev. John Kier , Moderator, Robert Douglas , Clerk; William MacGregor and Edward Ramsay , Ruling Elder. A Memorial Cairn, erected on the grounds of the 16 United Church was unveiled by the Presbytery of Prince Edward Island of the United Church of Canada on October 11, 1936. MINISTERS 1903 - 1911 Wm. Mason; 1911 - 1915 J.S. MacKay ; 1915 - 1922 Roland Davidson ; 1922 - Mr. Richie ; 1923-1926 J.C. Martin ; 1927- 1932 W. E. Aitken ; 1932- 1937 E.R. Woodside ; 1937 - 1943 G.A. Christie ; 1943 - 1945 A.S. Murray ; 1946 - 1951 S.R. Prince ; 1952 - 1956 Theodore Ross ; 1957 - 1959 Alexander MacKay ; 1959 - 1964 Ralph E. Johnstone ; 1964 - 1966 - Frederick Lloyd ; 1967 - 1968 W.B. Mac - Phail - Supply Minister; 1968 - 1973 Thomas G. Whent ; 1974 - Wm. J. MacDougall . 64