on Interprovincial exchange to Quebec. By I965 Club Membership was 30, Leader was Darrell Lyle, assisted by Bill Millar. AWards were - Norma Yeo National 4-H Club Week; Allan Forbes, National 4—H Congress in Chicago; Douglas Millar, Grand Challenge Shield for highest aggregate; Dianne Clark and Norma Yeo were winners in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions for Public Speaking at Provincial Vocational Institute. In I966 Norma Yeo was awarded an Interprovincial 4-H trip to Manitoba. I967 saw Kay Forbes attend the National 4-H Council at a Conference in Washington; Norma Yeo the Chicago International Conference, and Kay Forbes competed for Canadian Dairy Princess. In I970 Debra Campbell won an award to National 4-H Club Week; Christine Campbell and Colleen Clark were Public Speaking Winners, and the Club went on an Island Tour. In I97I Ronnie Yeo was awarded a trip to British Columbia, part of the Centennial Provincial Exchange, the Club won Provincial Club of the Year Award and Gloria MacKinnon and Colleen Clark were winners in Public Speaking. I972 had Gordon Campbell as Leader. Awards were - Christine Campbell, National Club Week; Gloria MacKinnon, Atlantic Winter Fair; Debra Campbell, Miss Provincial 4-H and Christine Campbell was P.E.I.’s 4- H Royal Family Queen. The Club was runner—up for Club of The Year Award, which brought a cheque for Five Hundred Dollars. In I974 Robert Gamble was awarded a trip to Ottawa, Marlene Campbell to Michigan and Kendrick Muirhead to Nova Scotia. In I975 Marlene Campbell was awarded a trip to Saskatchewan. Throughout the years, the Club has won honofs in livestock and all projects, and Lot I6 is indeed proud of their 4-H


In I976 there are 22 members enrolled. Executive are: President, Marlene Campbell; vice president, Kendrick Muirhead; secretary, Sylvia Yeo; trea3urer, Carol Banks; club reporter, John Gamble.

Projects and leaders are: Photography, Mr. Winston Yeo; gardening, Mrs. Harley Gamble; calf, Mrs. Erskine Forbes; foods, Mrs. Glenford MacLean and Mrs. Charles Banks. Several members are taking self- determination proiects.

Member-of-the-Year award was presented to Robert Gamble. Overall club leaders are, Jack Yeo and Mrs. Wayne Muirhead.

THE POOR HOUSE In these days of almost affluent Senior Citizens, due to pensions and Social Security it is hard for our young people to realize the fears of ”The Poor House” which previous generations had, if not enough had been laid by for their later years. This poem from the turn of the century illustraes the emotions of the oldvdays, when confronted with the inevitable trip to the Poor-House.
