We wish to thank all those who have assisted in any way with the production of this book, including the many people from other communitites who allowed us to research and use their family histories, scrapbooks and photographs.
The Society extends grateful thanks to Nicholas De J ong, Nancy MacBeath and Kevin MacDonald ofthe Public Archives of RBI. to the P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation with special thanks to Orlo Jones, Linda Steele and Doug Fraser, to the staff at the Land Registry office in Summerside, to Mrs. Elinor Vass of the Confederation Centre Library, to Mrs. Lynda Shaw at the Department of Education for teachers lists, and to Mrs. Sandra Gaudet of the New Horizons programme for her assistance and guidance.
The Society also extends its appreciation, to Mrs. Doris Haslam and the M.F. Schurman Co. Ltd. for written permission to quote from their publications. To Rev. F.W.P. Bolger and Rev. Charles Cheverie of U.P.E.I. for permission to use sections of studies on the Dunk River undertaken by students of the university, to Gordon B. Jenkins, Summerside for assistance in design and art work, to Joseph Clark, Summerside for his work of art, to the staff of the Journal Pioneer for permission to use their files in our research. Thank you to Walter Simmons and Edythe Woodside for allowing us to use their typewriter and to the staff at the Unit 2 School Board Office for their assistance.
Thanks to Mrs. Judy Toole, our typist, for her excellent cooperation and assistance in typing the manuscript.
Our thanks to David Heckbert and his assistant, Leona Murray, for their guidance and assistance in producing this book.
We regret to say that two members of our committee have passed on since we started the project namely George H. Lewis and John Andrews. Our sympathies are extended to their families.
The society wishes to thank Mr. Boyde Beck, Charlottetown, for editing the first nine chapters of the book. His work enabled us to provide more readable material. Thanks also to E]. McNeil], Summerside, for his editorial assistance.
Boily Photo and P.E.I. Photo Lab played an important part in our collection of photographs, the society thanks them for their assistance. A special thank you to Boily Photo for providing the picture of the Historical
Special recognition to the New Horizons Program of Health and Welfare Canada to whom we are fully indebted for their assistance and without whom this book would not have been possible.
We also pay tribute to R. Louis and Mary Cairns for the contribution they have made in helping preserve the memories of our heritage in the history of Lower Freetown published in 1971.
And finally grateful thanks to each member of the Society, to the people of the three Freetown districts and others, who have inspired us with their assistance, cooperation and encouragement.
Freetown Historial Society,
J. Leeman Campbell, Secretary.