drillers’ records suggest these deposits range up to twenty-five feet thick in Freetown. According to Prest, most of the Freetown area is underlain by a sandy phase glacial till. There are two areas of clayey sand phase glacial till, on the North Freetown Road and in wwer Freetown. Some glacial river deposits composed mainly of sandy material, occur along the Dunk River and its tributaries. A large salt marsh is also found on the

tidal flats at the mouth of the Dunk in Lower Freetown.

Freetown is blessed with good agricultural soils formed from parent material left by the glaciers. The dominant soil type at Freetown is known as the Charlottetown Association. Charlottetown soils are among the best in the province and are well suited to a variety of crops. The other main soil type is the Alberry Association. Alberry soils are also good agricultural soils suited to a variety of crops. The Alberry type is

mostly early due to the low moisture holding capacity.

Water Freetown is favored with an ample supply of fresh pure water. This water stems from the plentiful rainfall

received every year. The rain and melt water replenish streams, and wells and nurture vegetation. The early settlers depended on springs, streams and rivers for their fresh water. Eventually wells were drilled into the bedrock to obtain groundwater for household and farm consumption. Groundwater not only supplies wells but also provides a baseflow for streams, rivers and springs in the Dunk and Wilmot River watersheds. Stream gauges for determining water flow rates have been installed by Environment Canada in the Freetown area. Currently two gauges are maintained, on the Dunk River at Walls Bridge and one can be found on the Wilmot River at the Old Malpeque Road. A stream gauge also operated at Scales Pond from 1919 to 1933. The stream gauge on the North Brook tributary to the Dunk River gives an idea of the quantity of water. These are the mean monthly discharges for the North Brook over the 1971 — 1982 period. North Brook has a drainage area of 12.9 square kilometres or 5 square miles.

January 75.9 gallons/sec July 38.1 gallons/sec February 77.7 gallons/sec August 35.6 gallons/sec March 97.7 gallons/sec September 30.6 gallons/sec April 108.0 gallons/sec October 32.3 gallons/ sec May 80.1 gallons/sec November 36.5 gallons/sec June 44.2 gallons/sec December 48.4 gallons/sec

Dunk River from Walls Bn gef '