1981 1982 1983 120.00 60.00 60.00 139.04 145.84 156.00 97.45 107.19 122.00 16.00 16.50 17.00 163.00 179.30 180.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 75.60 75.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 8.50 9.35 12.50 81.82 90.00 95.00 99.00 99.00 99.00 26.00 27.30 27.30 50.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 15.00 16.50 16.50 954.81 956.58 988.80 Production costs per acre of Potatoes Seed Fertilizer Spray Material Lime Labor (includes owners wages) Land rent Fuel Licenses Supplies Utilities Repairs and small tools Depreciation Insurance, vehicles and buildings Interest Taxes Accounting Miscellaneous The Government Potato Study places the cost per acre to grow potatoes at 841.00 in 1980 and 1168.00 in 1981. This study was conducted by the Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and was completed with the cooperation of 18 potato producers on Prince Edward Island , and does not include any return to the operation for labor or management factors. Machinery ( John Deere ) COSTS 125 H.P. Tractor 100 H.P. Tractor Potato Harvestor Potato Planter (1969) Grain Combine Four row cultivator Plow (four furrow) Grain Drill (1975) Registered seed potato growers at Freetown in 1983 were: Bernard and Profitt Farms Ltd . Robert J. Jardine Robert and Gordon Schurman Walter and Donald Stavert Sydney and Lowell Drummond Ronald Drummond There are several growers from other districts growing potatoes in Freetown . A list of Seed and Table potato growers in Freetown in 1984 with approximate acreages is given: Bernard and Profitt 108 ac Edwin Lewis 380 ac Walter P. Stavert 90 ac Robert Schurman 72 ac Ronald Drummond 16 ac Sydney and Lowell Drummond 100 ac Robert J. Jardine 81 ac Melvin Birch 100 ac Lyman Huestis 40 ac Layton and Stavert Huestis 124 ac 56 1973 1983 21,759 73,000 13,300 57,783 14,000 56,800 4,850 21,340 13,800 72,150 1,400 4,953 1,530 3,853 3,300 7,626 73,939 297,505 S3 were: Kennebec Kennebec Kennebec and Sebago Kennebec Russet Burbank and Sebago 'snnprinr