Many older residents of Freetown today can recall stories about poaching salmon from the Dunk. They tell of poaching by light at night with spears, nets or forks. One story tells that fox farmers would load a horse and wagon with poached salmon to use as fox feed. Allan Clow , a current resident recalls a story told him by his grandfather, Joseph Clow , of poaching raids to the Dunk River Hatchery where salmon could be easily plucked. Salmon still frequent the Dunk River today. Their numbers have decreased due to poaching and the siltation of the river system. The days of the water bailiffs are gone but enforcement of fishing regulations continues. Conservation officers from the Prince Edward Island Department of Community and Cultural Affairs patrol the area with Bryce Boswall of Victoria as chief officer. Federal fishery officers from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans also enforce the fishing regulations with Eric Bernard of Summerside the Chief officer for the area. Mr. Lloyd Heckbert of North Bedeque was the Chief Federal Fishery officer for the area for many years. The Salmon can now be legally caught from 1 July to 30 September. Sport fishermen must have both an Salmon license and a trout angling license to fish the salmon. They may only be caught with a fly and fishermen are restricted to a daily limit of one and a season limit of five, all of which must be tagged. All salmon greater then sixty three centimetres in length must be returned to the river with a minimum of harm. Fishing salmon with artificial lights, flames of any kind, gill nets or trap nets is illegal in our river systems. If these rules are enforced then we may someday see the return of the salmon to the Dunk River in the numbers they formerly exhibited. Some of these may be mentioned Donald Burns Scott Jardine John Arbing Leo Mallett R.D. Moase Marcus Deacon Charles Basil Taylor Harold Drummond Reeves Brothers Allison Reeves Basil Robbins Elmer Hamilton Garth Drummond George Deacon Irwin Drummond John H. Heffell Eustace Reeves Bernard & Profitt Mary MacEachern Carolyn Taylor Jane Buell Matilda Lewis Essie Walker Mary Deacon Lewis Mrs . Muriel Stetson Mrs. Russell Reeves Mrs. George Reeves Albert E. Campbell Henry W. Reeves Wanda Bertram Campbell Milton Drummond Royal Construction OTHER BUSINESS'S in their family history. Poultry Farmer and Strawberry Grower Agent for Massey Harris Machinery and Farm Equip. Agent for Mowers and Reapers Trucking Business also Agent for Farm Machinery Livestock Dealer and Butcher Livestock Dealer and Butcher General Mechanic General Mechanic Painters & Carpenters Welding Operator Light Trucking TV. Sales and Service Farm Equipment Dealer Agent for Nursery Stock and Magazines Plumbing and Heating Sales and Service Electrical Contractor Water Treatment Equipment Sales & Service Motel Rental Business Hair Dressing Shop Hair Dressing Shop Hair Dressing Shop Dress Making Dress Making Dress Making Dress Making Dress Making Dress Making Agent for Massey Harris Machinery Pump Repairs, Sawyer, Horseshoer Hair Dressing General Mechanic Carpenter Services 84