School Teachers Upper Freetown (1854-1972) The following is a list of school teachers with some notes taken from P.E.I. School Visitor Reports and the Freetown District #74 Trustee Minute Books. 1854-55 Catherine Crawford 1905-06 1855-56 Catherine Crawford 1906-07 1856-57 Catherine Crawford 1907-08 1858-59 Daniel McPhee 1859-60 Ephraim Muttart 1908-09 1860-61 James Burns 1909-10 1861-62 Murdock Ross 1910-11 1862-63 Murdock Ross 1911-12 1863-64 William Mayne 1912-13 1864-65 William Mayne 1813-14 1865-66 William Mayne 1866-67 William Mayne 1914 1867-68 William Mayne 1915 1868-69 Alexander Corbett 1869-70 Alexander Corbett 1916 1870-71 Alexander Corbett 1871-72 1917 1872-73 Maria Lawson 1873-74 Maria Lawson 1874-75 Maria Lawson 1875-76 Duncan Cameron 1918 1876-77 M.J. Cairns 1877-78 M.J. Cairns 1878-79 Duncan Cameron 1919 Minetta Taylor 1879-80 Duncan Cameron 1880-81 James Shreenan 1920 Minetta Talyor 1881-82 James Shreenan 1921 1882-83 James Shreenan 1883-84 James Shreenan 1922 1884-85 Eliza Walker 1885-86 John P. Wickham 1923 1886-87 William A. Ayers 1887-88 Agnes McCarville 1888-89 John S. Shaw 1889-90 John S. Shaw 1924 1891-92 Maggie Mae Connolly 1925 1892-93 Ella E. Cairns Henry E. Hopgood 1926 1893-94 Adelaide Smart 1927 "First mention of Inspector, who was 1928 Alexander Campbell !' 1929 1894-95 Katie MacFarlane 1930 1895-96 R.H. Stavert 1896-97 R.H. Stavert 1931 1897-98 R.H. Stavert 1898-99 R.H. Stavert 1932 1899-1900 Daniel P. Croken 1900-01 Daniel P. Croken 1901-02 Peter S. Bradley 1902-03 Jessie Stavert 1903-04 Lucretia MacDonald 1904-05 Belle Cameron Belle Cameron Belle Cameron Margaret Gillis Virginia Croken Raymond McCarville J.S. McDonald J.A McDonald Storey Hynes Storey Hynes Annie Thompson Jeanette MacDonald Jeanette MacDonald Bertie Deacon R. Brewer Auld R. Brewer Auld Bertha Murphy Brewer Auld J.B. Lewis Bertha Murphy Florence Arbing J.B. Lewis Lizzie Sullivan Florence Hughes Lizzie Sullivan Florence Hughes Adele Hughes Adele Hughes Annie McCabe Annie McCabe Elizabeth Sullivan Elizabeth Sullivan Cecelia Noonan Cecelia Noonan Leonard Farmer "This school participated in a School Fair in September" Leonard Farmer Leonard Farmer J.B. Lewis J.B. Lewis J.B. Lewis J.B. Lewis J.B. Lewis J.B. Lewis Marguerite Curley J.B. Lewis Marguerite Curley J.B. Lewis Dorothy I, Auld " Freetown school received special mention for improvements. The Womens Institute getting credit for its assistance!' 94