1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866

1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880

1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896

School Teachers

Lower Freetown (1847-1973)

Donald R. Stewart

“Is believed to have been the first teacher in Lower Freetown Schoolf’ Mr. M. MacNeil

E. McPhee

E. McPhee

Miss McPhee

Records not available. Records not available. Records not available. Records not available. Murdock Ross Murdock Ross Ephraim Muttart

No record

No record

John Schurman

John Schurman

Maria Crawford

Maria Crawford Murdock Ross

James Burns

“School in middling repair, short attendance due to prevalence of fever and snow drifts. Examination good?

No record

No record

No record

Jane Cameron

No record

No record

Duncan Cameron Duncan Cameron Barbara Coles

Barbara Coles

Isaac Bagnall

Jane Brehaut

Jane Brehaut

Jane Brehaut

George W. West

Bertie L. Fowler Robina Cairns

Robina Cairns

Sophia Ross

Sophia Ross

William Townsend George S. Gordon Frank Lawson

Frank Lawson

Jane Cairns

Jane Cairns

Helen E. Cairns Milton Mollison

Belle Cameron

Edison Stavert William A. MacKenzie

1897 Fred W. Jardine

1898 F.J. Bowness

1899 Fred M. Auld

1900 Fred M. Auld

1901 Colin H. Callbeck “Taught Scientific Temperance?’

1902 Jessie Humphrey

1903 Nellie MacCallum “Theodore Ross was a travelling Inspector under Sir Wm. Mac- Donald’s scheme. The funds were supplied by Sir Wm. MacDonald through his agent, Prof. J.W. Robertson, Comm. of Agriculture and Dairying and Lower Freetown was included in this study?’

1904 H.H. Whidden

1905 Lois H. Price

1906 Lois H. Price Mary Robertson

1907 Mary Robertson

1908 Ella A. Costain

1909 Ella A. Costain

1910 Irene J. Leckie

1911 No record

1912 No record

1913 Jessie M. Clark

1914 Bertie Deacon

1915 Ida M. Cairns

1916 Annie Matheson

1917 Annie Matheson

1918 Winnie Villett

1919 Winnie Villett

1920 Marion C. Campbell

1921 Alice Cairns

1922 Ruby Dennis “A well has been bored and a pump installed?

1923 Stewart Wright “First school fair in Freetown?’

1924 James B. Lewis “New hardwood floor in schooli’

1925 James B. Lewis

1926 Hester Inman

1927 Verna Frizzell

1928 Verna Frizzell

1929 Dorothy Muttart

1930 Linda R. Currie

1931 Grace Deacon

1932 Margaret Pillman

1933 Dorothy Mayne

1934 Dorothy Mayne

1935 Margaret MacDougall

1936 Winnifred I. Burns

1937-38 Winnifred 1. Burns

1938-39 Olive Stavert 1939—40 Olive Stavert