Religion CATHOLIC MISSION OF ST. JAMES AT SPRINGFIELD (FORMERLY FREETOWN) The districts that first constituted the mission of St. James were Emerald , Freetown , Summerfield , Irishtown and Park Corner . The mission as it now exists was formed in 1865 from portions of the parishes of the St. Mary's, Indian River , and St. Malachy ( Kinkora ) parishes. Long before this, there had been a small church in the district of Park Corner . In 1828 Bishop MacDonald, then priest in charge of western Prince Edward Island , purchased an acre of land from Charles Doyle of Park Corner . He built a chapel and consecrated a cemetery. In this chapel Father MacDonald held station twice a year; a custom followed by his successors until 1865, when Father James MacDonald , who was in charge of Indian River and the adjoining missions, sold the chapel to James Doyle . Doyle pulled it down and built himself a dwelling house with the scantling and lumber. The foundation stone of the parish church at Summerfield was laid on the 25th of October, 1865, by the Most Rev. Peter Maclntyre , Bishop of Charlottetown . The church measured fifty feet in length by thirty in breadth and was completed in 1870. In 1876 a bell was procured for the mission and in the month of September was formally blessed by the Bishop. In 1884 a handsome set of Stations of the Cross was purchased for the church and erected by his Lordship the Bishop the following spring. This mission was served at first from St. Mary's, in Indian River . Its priests were: Rev. James MacDonald from 1865 to 1869; Rev. James McKenna from 1869 to 1874; (Father McKenna was a native of County Monaghan , Ireland); Rev. Dr. Cornelius O' Brien from 1874 to 1882; Rev. Dr. Jean Chaisson from 1882 to 1889; Rev. John A . MacDonald from 1889 to 1890 and Rev. EX . Gallant for a part of the year 1890, and Rt. Rev. Msgr . D.J. Gillis , who cared for the mission from 1890 to 1918. The first Catholic settlers of the Mission, most of whom came from County Monaghan , Ireland, were: Captain Thomas Lawless , Peter Murray , Brien Dunn , John Murray , John O' Brien , Michael O'Connor , James White , Michael White , Bernard Croken , John Whelan , James MacDonald and Donald MacDonald . In 1918, Bishop Henry J. O'Leary decided the time had come to make Summerfield a parish with a resident priest. Accordingly Msgr . D.J. Gillis began to erect a parish rectory. This rectory was completed by Rev. Francis McQuaid in 1919, after his appointment as pastor of the new parish. The old church erected in 1865 was by this time too small and, instead of enlarging it, Rev. Francis McDonald and his congregation decided to build a new and larger structure. Funds were accumulated for several years and in 1928 the corner stone was laid. Father "Frank" wanted a beautiful and suitable rural church and that is what he built, as anyone who sees it will agree. On the 27th of October 1929, the fully completed church dedicated to Saint James was blessed by Rt. Rev. J.C. MacLean , P.A.V.G ., Reverend MacLean celebrated Solemn High Mass with Reverend Daniel P . Croken as deacon, Rev. Dr. Bernard and J. Gillis as sub-Deacons and Rev. James A . Murphy as Master of Ceremonies. A sermon appropriate to the occasion was given by Rev. Lawrence Smith , who warmly praised the great generosity of the people of the parish and the untiring zeal of their pastor. The tower of the church is sixty-feet in height. The structure has three altars in the main church, and there are six beautiful stained glass windows. The eighty modern seats of elm accommodate 320 persons. The parish at present has ninety families. Among the donors of stained glass windows were: J. Lome Driscoll , G.R. McMahon , Miss Janie Curley , and Mr. and Mrs. PL . Cash. Pastors since 1918 of St. James, Summerfield : Rev. John T . Murphy, part of 1919; Rev. Francis McQuaid , 1919-1923; Rev. Francis McDonald , 1923-1936; Rev. Phelan J . McKenna, 1936-1940; Rev. Eugene L . Murray, 1940-1961; Rev. Basil Croken , 1961-1972. Following the retirement of Father Croken, St. James was left without a resident Pastor. Due to the shortage of priests, it was served by the Pastor of Hope River : Rev. D. Gallant , 1972-1975 and is now served by Rev. E. Van de Ven . Since the beginning of the parish, nine native sons have been ordained priests, another is a Christian Brother , and seventeen young ladies of St. James parish have become Sisters in various religious orders. Priests born in the parish are: Rt. Rev. Peter F . Hughes , D.P. ; Rev. Daniel P . Croken (deceased); Rev. Pope L . McMahon (deceased); Rev. Alfred MacDonald ; Rev. J. Basil Croken; Rev. Harold Croken ; Rev. Rupert A . MacDonald , S.S.J. ; Rev. J. Elliot McGuigan, S.J. and Rev. J. Gerald McGuigan, S.J. 105