The first church was not an elaborate building. There were four plain walls and no pews. Large planks set on blocks were used for seating and people faced dire consequences if they somehow fell asleep during the sermon. On entering the church, one was confronted by a high screen partition behind the centre row of seats, which masked the choir and organ. The pulpit was a plain desk. In 1866, there were twelve preaching places served by the . The following year there were eleven, but by 1872 there were again twelve preaching places. This circuit was served by one, sometimes two ministers. The trustees minutes for 1882 tell of purchasing the land for the Cemetery and of the rules drafted in connection with the use of it. Those minutes also mentioned the penalties against women who disturbed the services by whispering and against men who chewed tobacco and spat on the floor. Among those who participated in the initial stages of the church were James Mayne , David Rogers , William Rogers , David Arbing , George Wright , Marcus Deacon , and others. By 1881 there was an active Sunday School with a Bible Class and four other classes. By 1886 the Sunday School Library was extensively used. Listed below are the names of those who attended the Sunday School on 29 May 1881. Bible Class: Teacher, David Arbing . Class members: Marcus Deacon , Picton Rogers , Mary Crosby , Eliza Alice Stetson , Robert B. Auld , Malcolm Macintosh , Eliza Walker , William Arbing , and E. Wall . Class #1: Teacher, Albert Craig . Class members: Henry Rogers , Eddy Crosby , John Delaney , James Burns , Robert Walker , John Livingstone , Fred G. Arbing , Thomas Stetson , John Palmer and Edward Matthews . Class #2: Teacher, Mrs. William Reeves . Class members: Bepey Rogers, Femey Rogers, Elizabeth Hiscox , Maggie Burns , Eliza Taylor , Bella Clow , Femey Taylor, Barbara Clow , Martha Reeves , Maggie Reeves , Lavinia Hurry , Charlotte Burns , Margaret Irene Stetson and Minnie B. Stetson . Class #3: Teacher, Isabella Rogers . Class members: Frank Taylor , Willie Crosby , Albert Stetson , Henry Arbing , Mattie Rogers , Laura Dammarell , Minnie Hiscox , George Deacon , Samuel Drummond , Charles Taylor and Ada Anne Stetson . Class #4: Teacher, Eliza Crosby . Class members: Tilley Rogers, Maggie Walker , Blanche Craig , John Davis Arbing , Minnie Crossman , Janey Taylor , Fanney Crossman , Delvert Reeves, Elizabeth Jane Stetson , Adeline Reeves , Cora E. Reeves , Hannah Hiscox , Eliza Dammarell , Ida May Dammarell , Lavinia Ann Drummond , Eliza Jane Crossman . Two others were listed as getting books out of the Sunday School Library , Lizzie Saunders and Albert Groggit . A list of those attending Sunday School in 1887. Bible Class: Teacher David Arbing . Class members: Mary Stetson , Charlotte Burns , Minnie Dammarell , Horace Richardson , Laura Dammarell , Henry Rogers , Frank Taylor , William Arbing , Mayne, Malcolm Macintosh , Colby Smith, Frederick Arbing and Wilbert Arbing . Class #1: Teacher, Albert Craig . Class members: Arthur Dammarell , William Crosby , Charles Taylor , Abram Crossman , George Stetson , Artemas Stetson , Arthur Burns , Samuel Drummond , George Deacon , Robert Walker , Henry Arbing , Davis Baker , Edison Dammarell and Bertie Craig . Class #2: Teacher, Mrs. Albert Craig . Class members: Mattie Rogers , Ada Stetson , Lavinia Drummond , Libby Baker , Maggie Walker , Lizzie Craig , Luella Mayne , Mattie Mayne , Addie Crossman , Libby Stetson and Janey Reeves . Class #3: Teacher, Bessie Rogers . Class members: Anna Rogers , Blanche Craig , Emma Dammarell , Hannah Hiscox , Maude Hiscox , Lottie Anderson , Laura Burns , Walter Anderson , Frank MacCaull , Franklin Dammarell , Mary Ann Deacon , Lydia Stetson , Ella Crossman , John Stetson , Edith Dammarell , Euremia Crossman, Mary Laura Macintosh , Bessie Dammarell , Leslie Baker , Ada Reeves , Ella MacKie , Ararice Reeves, Benjamin Deacon , John Deacon and Patterson Walker . Other persons using the Library Books were: Ed. Hiscox, Andrew Walker , James Rommels , Bella Cook , John L. Heartz , Lavinice Hurry, Eliza Taylor , Lizzie Hiscox , Villa MacCaull , Emily Cook and John Livingstone . Sunday School sometimes involved more than merely studying the scriptures. 107