In 1968 the old vestibule with its two doors was removed and replaced by a larger vestibule with double doors opening to the south. This new entry was made possible by a legacy from Miss Mary Mayne a former organist. Between 1977 and 1980 the church was raised to include a full sized basement. It was moved twenty four feet north and ten feet west of its former site. A new organ was purchased in 1985. Cash donations and other memorials listed in the church "In Remembrance Book" commemorate the financial assistance that made the renovations that made Freetown building what it is today. The Ministers who served in Freetown United Church since 1925 are: Rev. D.K. Ross 1921-28 Rev J.W.A. Nicholson 1928-39. Rev. D.F. Hoddinott 1939-42. Rev. James Cross 1942-43 Rev Ralph Wagner 1943-50. Rev. J.K. Campbell 1950-56. Rev. S.G. Walls 1956-58. Rev. Angus Brown 1958-62. John Waldron Lay Preacher 1962-63. Rev. R. M. Shaw 1963-67. Rev. Thomas Whent 1967-73. Rev. Dr. William MacDousall 1973-85, Rev. Leslie Jay 1985. S UNITED CHURCH WOMENS ORGANIZATIONS The Women's Missionary Society, or W.M.S ., was a vital force among the women of the Methodist and the Presbyterian Churches in the latter part of the nineteenth century and on into the 1900s. The main con¬ cern of this Society was in offering support, both money-wise and prayer-wise, to the many missionaries in foreign fields as well as those in the Home Mission fields. A branch of the Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist Church was organized in Freetown on 30 October 1912. Its membership was eight, including Mrs. Randolph Arbing , Mrs. J.S. Walker , Mrs. Frank Deacon , Mrs. Patterson Walker ; Miss Ella Dammarell Miss Jennie Dammarell and Mrs. Joseph Lewis . Union of the three churches: Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational, took place in 1925, and the first meeting of the United W.M.S . was held March 17,1926, with Mrs. R. Arbing , President of the Methodist WMS, and Mrs. R.C. Auld , President of the Presbyterian W.M.S ., sharing the chair over an enrollment of eighteen members. This group functioned from 1926 until 1961. They studied about and supported the missionaries in many of the foreign fields and received letters from some of the workers in Japan, China and India. In the fall of 1933 the W.M.S . held a hot chicken supper. This was a major fund raising event and became an annual affair. These suppers were held in Hall; the water by necessity had to be carried from Everett Schurman 's. Also since the hall did not have kitchen facilities until the 1960s, all dishes, cutlery tablecloths and such were brought by the ladies. BUM till. '■am :/;::::S;KW::::::: m iii.. m>fia'M; uiiirea cnurcn women (Christmas meeting at Annie Clow s). Back row left to right: Jean Schurman , Winnifred Burns , Laura Smith , Adelma Reeves , Florence Reeves , Evelyn Burns Second row: Annie Clow , Polly Smith , Martha Burns . Front row: Dorothy Burns , Jean Reeves , Mary E. Cairns , Irene Reeves , Ruby Profitt , Vera Taylor . 110