and did much to promote the interest of education and to champion the cause of temperance. He passed from this Earth on 16 September, 1882, after 58 years in the Ministry.

It was during the ministry of Rev. R.S. Patterson that a congregation was organized in Freetown with services in the school house. The next minister, from 1883 to 1887, was the Rev. W.M. Scott, a student of the renowned Dr. Cook. The Rev. William Tufts succeeded Mr. Scott in 1888. It was during Mr. Tufts’ three year ministry that the present church was built and on November 2, 1890, the building was opened and dedicated to the Glory of God and for His service. Mr. Robert B. Auld gave the site of the church. Mr. Jesse Burns supplied the material for the frame. Two members gave $100 each. The church cost about $950.00 and would have cost more had it not been for the free labour generously expended.

The following is a list of ministers following Rev. Tufts - Rev. William Thompson, Rev. SJ. MacArthur, Rev. R.S. Whidden, Rev. W.H. Maclntosh, Rev. A. MacKay, Rev. W.A. MacQuarrie and Rev. D.K. Ross.

In 1925 the church voted for the United Church of Canada by a small margin. The same year the congregation was re-organized under the leadership of the Presbytery of Prince Edward Island. The congregation was then joined with Kensington and Malpeque and continued to worship in the hall for two years, when the church was given back to the Presbyterians by the Court of Appeal in equity. Nineteen fifty marked the Church’s Diamond Anniversary. At this service a set of brass collection plates were given by Mrs. A.W. Humphrey, Kensington, and a Pulpit Bible was given by Mr. George J ardine, Freetown, in memory of their parents, David and Adelaide J ardine and their daughter Etta Laird. A communion table in memory of Margaret Jane Taylor was also donated.

During the summer of 1955 the church was moved south by ten feet over a full basement. The from entry was remodelled taking away both side doors. The sixty-fifth anniversary was observed on 4 December 1955, with Rev. E.H. Bean as minister. At this service a Baptismal font was presented in memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Paynter by the family and a pulpit fall in memory of Miss Janie Campbell was presented by the Campbell family.

Freetown Presbyterian Church.