1932 A cement mixer was purchased and rented free to members, and 50c per day to non-members. A letter was written to the Dept . of Agriculture requesting cockerels for breeding purposes. 1933 Clover seed was ordered from Kenora Seed Co. Prices were obtained on wire and lumber. The seed was weighed by Institute members at the . A boar was exchanged with Horace Wright of Bedeque at a cost of $5.00. Brewer Auld was elected as a delegate to the 's Institute in Charlottetown . 1934 Problem with worms and bots in horses. Arrangements were made to get Dr. Cunningham to administer the necessary treatment. 1935 Bonus received from government for 1934 potato crop. Suggested government explore Cuban market for potato export. Dr. Cunningham consulted on the treatment of worms and bots in horses. Protested the extra cost for car license requested by the Tourist Association. 1936 Dr. Cunningham treated sixty-eight horses in Freetown . 1937 Frank Deacon was paid $9.00 for looking after a boar. Allison Profitt volunteered to treat horses for 25« each. 1938 Allison Profitt treated sixty horses. Orders for corn were placed. Clover seed to be purchased from Kenora and Ernest Johnstone of Burlington to be given balance of order if Kenora couldn't fill the order. 1939 R.A. Profitt paid 35c to repair a pump. Eldon Drummond replaced D.M. Bernard as secretary. 1940 The chief topics of discussion were politics and the war. Early clover seed and alfalfa were ordered. Mr. Henry W. Clay came to speak on production, feeding and marketing of hogs. 1941 Harrison MacFarlane of Fernwood spoke on the warble fly pest. Timothy seed was ordered from Callbeck's in Bedeque . 1943 Discussion on the advisability of continuing as an institute. 1945 Mr. Peppin and Mr. MacLaren came to speak on ring rot in potatoes. 1946 A vote was taken to join the Federation of Agriculture at a cost of $5.00 per year. Discussion on using bran, flour, and prices obtained on car lots of fertilizer. 1947 Limestone was ordered from the Mosher Limestone Co., Upper Musquodoboit, N.S. A committee was sent to Charlottetown to investigate an army truck with pumper as a fire truck. This truck was brought to Freetown for demonstration by Edgar Reeves , Everett Francis and Eldon Drummond. 1948 A vote was taken to purchase the fire truck. Robert Jardine was appointed as secretary. The membership fee was 25c each. 136