In mids't of war and pain and strife, When many lads did offer life to fight for freedom of mankind. Women rallied forth, To sew, and knit - and do their part, To help bring comfort to some heart. This group tho' small - put forth their all. And much good they achieved. They knit for men, made clothes for babes, Or anyone in need. In times of sheer disaster, When families lost a home, A quilt was always ready - A gift, - not just a loan. Our circle now has changed its name, A bit of flat-ter-y Our goal, the same, we crave not fame, We work where need may be. The years have brought some changes, New members have appeared. Our group has grown larger, And strengthened thru the years. We think to-night of members, Not with us by God's will. Serving a higher calling - Their blessing with us still. We have all enjoyed this party, (We know you all agree) The pride, and joy, and fellowship in our community - Is worthy now of mention, a credit to us all. Let's keep the banner waving, We must not let it fall. Our work is not completed. As months and years go by, will find a need, for some kind deed - a quilt, a card, a flower - or treat Our aim: "Help anyone in need" Anonymous 1962 , after twenty years of service, became South Freetown Sewing Club in July 1960. Over the last ten years we have had many social events. A Valentine Party was held at Fausta Stetson's in 1971. The school closed in June 1972. It was purchased by the Sewing Club, renovated under a Local Initiative Program and a Kindergarten Program began in 19 February, 1974. It continued until 1980. In May, the Senior Citizens were honored with a tea, also in 1974, a "Meet Your Neighbour Night" was held and several new couples welcomed to the community. A variety concert was held in 1975 and we were amazed at our "local talent!' A South Freetown School reunion was held in August 1977. Records were found beginning in 1878. This event was well attended and many old acquaintances were renewed. A Kindergarten Program operated with Marie Howatt and Jessie Drummond as teachers from 1974 to 1980. The Kindergarten continued for the next six years with Joyce Drummond as teacher and Marion Drummond as Secretary Treasurer . 142