Our quilt production has slowed down considerably but we continue to provide Christmas treats, send cards, flowers and fruit. The big event of each year is the goose supper - we just couldn't do without it! In closing, I hope the Sewing Club has many more anniversaries and the Sewing Club will continue helping South Freetown live. Let's hear it for forty years of service! Marion Drummond , 1982 - Sewing Club Year 1942 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 President Muriel Stetson Margaret Reeves Frances Aylward Frances Aylward Jessie Drummond Jessie Drummond Elizabeth Stetson Muriel Stetson Fausta Stetson Adelma Reeves Grace Stetson Marion Drummond Marion Drummond Eunice Simmons Eunice Simmons Florence Reeves Louise Drummond Louise Drummond Louise Drummond Laura Smith Laura Smith Marion Drummond Secretary Elva Heffell Elva Heffell Elva Heffell Laura Smith Laura Smith Margaret Reeves Margaret Reeves Jessie Drummond May Gauthier May Gauthier May Gauthier May Gauthier May Gauthier Laura Smith Laura Smith Joyce Drummond Joyce Drummond Joyce Drummond Joyce Drummond People Helping People In twenty years, the ladies Of South have rolled A record of achievement That still remains untold. A group with powers To live up to the creed Of neighbour helping neighbour And strangers in their need. At each fortnightly meeting The work goes on apace On everything from buttons To fine chantilly lace. Their patchwork quilts and blankets, With stitches placed just so, Have warmed more grateful couples Than Spain and Mexico. These favored bedtime items Have yardage and to spare And neither she or his'n Need tussel for a share. They've hid more corns and bunions, 143