Andrews, Sterling Auld, Walter *Beairsto, William Beairsto, Dwight Burns, Walter Cairns, Frank L. Clow, Benjamin L. Crossman, Harry T. *Dammarell, Leslie G. Deacon, Frederick Jardine, Robert S.P. Lawless, William
These are the Freetown men who served in World War II:
Adams, Frank Arsenault, Charles Banks, Hubert Bernard, Clarence Burns, Robert E. Campbell, Howard Campbell, Lloyd Clow, Norman Croken, Pius Croken, Mary V. N/S Deacon, Morris Deighan, Carlyle Gauthier, Elmer Handrahan, Earl Handrahan, Francis Jardine, Gerald *Lawless, Francis Earl Matthews, William
Comrades, rest thy warfare o’er Dream, of fighting fields no more Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking Mom of toil, nor night of waking.
This Bible is presented to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dammarell As a token of Regard from the Methodist Church at Freetown, P.E.l. In Grateful Remembrance of Pte Leslie Dammarell Who Rendered Loyal and Patriotic Service in Honor of Canada and for the British Empire and Died of Wounds Received in Action in The Great World War 1914—1918
Murl, Charles Profitt, Samuel Reeves, Eustace Reeves, Earle Reeves, Fred Riley, Joseph C. *Riley, William W. Riley, John L. *Riley, Ernest Taylor, Ernest *Taylor, Horace Taylor, Leslie D.
Murl, Leaman Murl, Joseph Murtagh, Gerald Murtagh, Patrick McCourt Harold Nicholson, John Paynter, Harold Paynter, George Paynter, Ernest Reeves, Lorne Reeves, Fred Reeves, Bernard Reeves, Wendell Reeves, Everett Taylor, Eric Taylor, Ernest Taylor, Leland White, John J. White John P.
“Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his people”. John 15:13.