Violin duct and organ accompaniment: William Lewis, Charles Beairsto and Miss Janie Taylor.


H .‘.Ir and’M‘rs. Fred D1ummond have 1et111'ned to Freetown af- son Garth, and other. relatives in Toronto

and vicinity.

Mr. and M13. Edga1 Reeves, Iieetown, wexe recent visitms to M'Oncton; MB.

Mrs. Fred Taylor, Granville, is a patient in v the ,Prince County Hospital.

Seven tables we1-ein play at the caxzd party held in Birch 010% all, Freetown, on ‘Ion-

ter visiting thei1

lfor months' of December [given by the treasurex,

Freetown Notes

art Collect. Financial statement

was M15. .

tee- sent ca1ds and deliveled two cha1ity boxes and one box. of used child1en’s clothing .to the needy at Christmas. - 1 Mrs. Harold Dxummond and Mrs. Robert Jardine visited the school at Christmas and gave

each child a. treat.

,, Correspondence, consisted of a _.letter .and questionnaire on annual convention from Mrs.

day night. Prize for the ladies' Drummond on Health and Wel- highest“ sco1e was won- by Mrs. fare, urging each member to

Clifford Francis-and: for the men’s highest score by {Walter Campbell: ,Consolation’ s prizes

11' em to M15. Walter Burns and = 543'

Edward Muiphy.. Lunch was served by: the members of the W omen’s Institute. 1 Ray McCarville, and Gerald; McCarville,. Ken; sington. have retumed. to their homes affef’attend1ng.the jun- e1 al of their _aunt,- Mrs. Austin

Freetown, '

help someone in need.

,:_It:was agreed to. pay the fire insurance for. the hall. ~‘ Plans weré_- made to resume the card parties- in hall Mon-7 day--evenii1v._ "

' New'f': committees appointed were: - School —- M1-.s Robert Ja1dine and Mrs. Elmer Mac-Z Eachern; Sick Mrs- ‘Walter; Campbell» 2111111113. Basil Tay-il

C l! h f F ' 101'; Lunch -— Mrs. H. 'Dr'1'1'111'—_" 3125:; an o_" T' rammgham mond and Mrs. George Ja1dineg‘; Mr 3.31. B. LeMs§f"'Freetown, Programi 65mm”. Mrs.

is vrs1t1ng , his 1, ~11ephews,;’ -, Ira and Claude ’L‘ewisfiin Yerk. Birch Grove. W.I.‘ met with

The Jardines fo1 their January —.


The president, Mrs. Walter.

Klampbell, presided and open- ed the- meeting with the Ode. followed by' the {M‘aryv' Stew-

Jardine; . Program = (regular-(1}) 111's Ri‘ _- Schurmén, ' rHostess, ‘Ir's. Elwood. Paynter; Birthday: Cake: --'-> Mrs; R. Schurman."

3Program consisted of a 1ead.-n ing, and monologue by Mrs Austin Rogers. Meeting closed with Queen. Lunch was served by hostesses and committee in

* .. charge.

Vocal solo: Mrs. Bruce Taylor Recitation: Miss Clara Burns

Duet: Mr. and Mrs. David Rogers Reading: J. Henry Crossman

Vocal 5010: MB. Craig

Choir Song: Choir

Violin Solo:


Violin Solo:

William Lewis Hensley Stavert Mr. Charles Beairsto

Following the main program, Mr. LU. Fowler and David Arbing acted as auctioneers for the lunch baskets. The baskets were brought by the ladies and the purchaser ofa basket obtained the privilege ofeating the lunch with the lady who prepared it. The baskets were bought for 15¢ to $1.50 each and resulted in total

proceeds of $40.00, all donated to the RBI. Hospital.