reetowii Notes Mr. and^ Mrs. Fred Drummond ' art Collect. Financial statement have returned to Freetown af¬ ter visiting their son Garth, and other„ relatives in Toronto and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs.* Edgar Reeves , Freetown , were recent visitors to Mbnctoni U.B. Mrs. Fred Taylor , Granville, is a patient .in the Prince County Hospital. Seven tables were-in play at the card- party held in." Hall, Freetown , on-Mon¬ day night. Prize for the ladies' highest- score .was. won by- Mrs. Clifford >Francis,:-and> for the men's highest score by Walter Campbell ."., Consolation's: prizes went to Mrs - Walter Burns and Edward "Murphy.' Lunch was served by the members-of the Women's Instituted'■: ■ Ray McCarville ,' Freetown ; and Gerald •McCarville,, Ken¬ sington, have returned to their homes afieirattendin-gf»±he.iun Callaghan. of -.-. Framinghsm, Mass. , Mr.: ; J.B .-;Lewis.r' Freetown , is visiting■ his \ nephews, , Ira and Claude ;'Lewis,~iiT York . ■'-,..■ Birch - Grove W.I .- met with The Jardines for their January meeting. The president, Mrs. Walter ^Campbell, presided and open¬ ed the meeting with the Ode. followed by the Mary Stew- for month&-"-of. December- was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Elwood PaynterJ Sick commit¬ tee sent cards and delivered two charity boxes and one box- of used children's clothing .to the needy at Christmas. Mrs. Harold Drummond and Mrs. Robert Jardine visited the school at Chi'istmas and gave each child a treat. .... Correspondence consisted of a letter and questionnaire on annual convention from Mrs. Drummond on Health and Wel¬ fare, urging each member-' to help someone in need. ,«It: was agreed to pay the fire insurance for the hall. ;;-Plans were- made to resume the card parties in hall Mon¬ day evening.. ~ New t committees appointed were:- School-. -— Mrs. Robert Jardine and Mrs. Elmer MacJ Eachern; Sick — Mrs. . Walter ; era! of their aunt,- MrsrAustni'"©m»pIj«H*■an< L .; Mrs. . Basil Tay 4 **- m m a - .* «< . - (AH*. T If HAH - Ajl H« UP 'T\«mVm« * lor; Lunch "—- 'Mrs.: H.' TDt&m^ mond and Mrs. George Jar-dine ;"; Program*-- (special) rMrs. -:; G:; Jardinej Program:;-:-= (regular) MrS ': R;-c Schurmanj Hostess, Mrsi Ehvood Paynter; Birthday; Cake—- Mrs; R.- Schurman. ' ; ■ "Program consisted of a read-j ing, and monologue by; Mrs; Austin Rogers . Meeting closed with Queen. Lunch was served by hostesses and, committee in. charge.,-■ Violin duet and organ accompaniment: William Lewis , Charles Beairsto and Miss Janie Taylor . Vocal solo: Mrs. Bruce Taylor Recitation: Miss Clara Burns Duet: Mr. and Mrs. David Rogers Reading: J. Henry Crossman Vocal solo: M.B. Craig Choir Song : Choir Violin Solo: William Lewis Reading: Hensley Stavert Violin Solo: Mr. Charles Beairsto Following the main program, Mr. L.U. Fowler and David Arbing acted as auctioneers for the lunch baskets. The baskets were brought by the ladies and the purchaser of a basket obtained the privilege of eating the lunch with the lady who prepared it. The baskets were bought for 15* to $1.50 each and resulted in total proceeds of $40.00, all donated to the P.E.I. Hospital . 154