Straw: $1.50 to $2.00 per load

Fresh butter: 16-18m per pound Eggs: 8-9¢ per dozen The prices for fish were also quoted: Codfish: 10-30weach Lobster: 3-6“ each Haddock: 4-10"each

In late May, Fred Jardine of Upper Freetown had to return home from Prince of Wales College after coming down with rheumatic fever. He was unable to take his final examinations and was thus forced to settle for a second class teacher’s license.

A Federal Election was held in June and this brought some big name politicans to the Island. On 1 June, Sir Charles Tupper, Prime Minister, spoke at the Hillsborough Rink in Charlottetown. Special trains and fares allowed people from Freetown to attend. Later in June, George E. Foster, Minister of Finance, spoke in Summerside to the electors of East Prince.

The summer season brought sunshine, warmer weather, and picnics. Many organizations such as churches, lodges and schools held their annual picnics in July and August. Games, music, and a picnic lunch

were the order of the day.

We can see from this glimpse of 1896 that community life was active and vibrant. The highlights of the newspaper accounts were the evenings of entertainment where many would gather to enjoy a program of singing, acting, reading and speech making. Unlike today where we have television, movie theatres, and nightclubs, the local residents had to make their own entertainment. It is not hard to see that the Freetown community of 1896 was closer knit than the community of today.

SOME REMINISCENCES FROM 1901 (Courtesy P.E.I. Agriculturist)

On Thursday afternoon, 1 August, 1901, Summerside Methodist Sunday school picnicked at the Birch Grove in Freetown, most of the holidayers going by train. The day and place was ideal for the purpose and it is needless to say that young and old thoroughly enjoyed the outing.

J. Davis Schurman, Freetown, registered at the Strathcona Hotel in Summerside on 18 September, 1901.

Barnaby Croken and William Rogers, Freetown, were registered at the Queen Hotel in Summerside on 18 September 1901.

On Saturday, 22 June, 1901, Mr. F. W. Picketts, Freetown, was named Road Contractor of District #8 of Freetown.

On 12 July, 1901, the Annual Orange Tea and Celebration took place at the Birch Grove in Freetown with beautiful weather and an immense attendance ofpeople. The special train from the west ofthe province had fourteen passenger cars, each crowded to its utmost capacity leaving the station in Summerside. The regular trains were crowded too.

Marcus Deacon was registered at the Queen Hotel in Summerside on 11 July, 1901.

In 1901, Canada sent a Cavalry Contingent to South Africa. Mr. Benjamin L. Deacon of Freetown enlisted and saw action in the South African War.

In 1901, Albert E. Campbell of Freetown sold his handsome Parkside mare to parties in Summerside for a good price. This mare was a full sister to Parkland and is a representative of the Parkside family of horses. Mr. Campbell purchased a fine purebred shorthorn bull calf six months old from James C. Clark, North Wiltshire. This is a very handsome animal.