Genealogies 10

The Freetown Folk

If the sun comes up with a sparkling ray

And no clouds appear in your gladsome day;

If you feel the lift of a friendly whack

In a near—caress on your weary back;

If you know the voice of a deep content

And the praise you hear is sincerely meant,

Then your home must be, by good fortune’s stroke, Just across from mine, mid the Freetown folk.

When your step is light and your heart is strong With the happy IiIt of a carefree song,

Or the thought wells up you have friends to share Any burden you may be called to bear;

When their kindly thoughts fashion kindly deeds, From the warp and woof of a neighbor’s needs, And they stand as staunch as the well-known oak - Well, take it from me, they’re the Freetown folk.

When you look afar on the soiled and mean

And you’re glad you live where mankind is clean, And where men work on where their toil begets All the worthwhile things this old world forgets; When you offer thanks for the faithful band - That true brotherhood with a ready hand ~

Then your home must be, by good fortune’s stroke, Where I ’m proud to dwell “mid the Freetown fol ”.

S. Barlow Bird

DIRECTIONS FOR READER Dates are given, day, month, year, eg. 10 June 1985. Provinces, states and months will be identified

by using the standard abbreviations excepting that places on P.E.I. will be identified eg. Kensington and other locations will be identified e.g. Moncton, NB. Other abbreviations used are: b. - born, m. - married, (1. - died, bapt. - baptized, bur. buried, ch. - children, n.m. - not married, Cem. - Cemetery, n.f.r. - no further


In the family lineages, children are denoted by numbers and letters. Children b. in Freetown to a first generation couple will be coded as the second generation, first child 2a, second child 2b, third child 2c, etc. The third generation b. in Freetown would then be 3a2a, the first child b. to the oldest second generation

child. The plus (+) sign is placed beside each individual’s name that is documented further. Fourth genera- tion would be 4a3a2a, fifth generation 5a4a3a2a. Families with some ch. b. in Freetown will be listed where


The progenitor of each family is listed as a heading in bold capital letters. Descendents, who lived or raised families at Freetown are listed in small bold letter as a sub heading.

Information provided by family members and others has been reviewed and rearranged by the editorial committee. Some material has not been included because of the sensitive nature of its contents.