acres for a total of 343 acres.) It is known that Jabez lived on code 129 because he died there. It is indicated that he took over these lands which had been leased to other people. Jabez resided at North Wiltshire in 1864, and all his family was born there. Jabez Arbing was the son of John and Martha Arbing of North Wiltshire and was b. in 1810, he m. Eliza Cook on 21 March 1837. She was b. in 1818 and d. 9 Dec. 1883 aet. 65. Jabez d. 20 Nov. 1898 age 88. They are both buried in the old Methodist Cem. in Freetown . Jabez and Eliza (Cook) Arbing had ten children b. in North Wiltshire , surname Arbing. 2a Ann b. 4 April 1838. She m. Henry Secord . They lived at Ross' Corner . It is known that they had one son, a doctor in Sackville, N.B. He had a daughter Irene who is m. and living in Sackville, N.B. Henry and Ann are bur. in Freetown Methodist Cem. 2b Emma b. 18 July 1840. She m. William Stetson of Freetown (See Stetson history.) + 2c John b. June 1842. He m. Henrianne MacCaull . They lived at Freetown Village . + 2d David b. 1845. He m. Lavinia Stetson of Freetown on the 17 Apr. 1870 at Manse. 2e Louisa b. 7 Apr. 1847; n.f.r. 2f Mary b. 1850. She was drowned at a Sunday School picnic in New Annan in 1883. + 2g James b. 13 Apr. 1851 and m. Hannah Matthews a sister of Samuel Matthews . She was drowned at a Sunday school picnic in New Annan in 1883. + 2h William b. 1853 and m. Dorcas Picketts of Wilmot Valley . + 2 i Randolph b. 4 Apr. 1857 and m. Margaret Jane Stetson who was b. in 1867. + 2j Rudolph b. 28 Nov. 1859. He went to the United States when young and m. Mary Stetson a native of Freetown while there in 1891. They later returned to Freetown where they farmed. 2k Eliza. Eliza was also known as "Kate" and was b. in 1861. She m. James H. Reeves of Freetown . She d. in 1937. (See Reeves' history.) + 2c John Arbing It is believed that John settled in Freetown village in 1877. He sold a lot to Albert Craig in July 1886 and later sold another lot to William McCaull . Land records show that he was involved in a number of land transactions in the Freetown area and later settled in Summerside . John was b. in June 1842 and m. Henrianne McCaull. She was b. in 1854 and d. in 1928. John d. in 1915. They are buried in the Peoples Cem. in Summerside . In the 1881 census four children are recorded: Annie, b. ca. 1876; John, b. ca. 1877; Frank, b. ca. 1879; Bessie, b. ca. 1880. + 2d David Arbing Land records reveal that David Arbing got 100 acres of land in 1872 from his father Jabez, (code 110) and also that he owned 44 ac. that he sold to Joseph Lewis in 1904 (code 112). This property in 1984 is occupied by Lowell Drummond . David was one of the initial laymen of the Methodist Church in Freetown . He taught the Bible Class and also was a preaching layman and took services at other points in the circuit. David was b. in 1845. He m. Lavinia Stetson of Freetown on 17 Apr. 1870 and d. in Summerside 27 July 1933 at 88 years of age. He lost an arm and for many years he lived with one arm. Lavinia was b. 20 Nov. 1845 and d. 16 Dec. 1878 aet. 33 years. They had four children, surname Arbing. 3a 2d Frederick G. b. 1871. 3b 2d Henry b. 1873. Henry d. in South Freetown in 1901. 3c 2d Mary Elva b. 1876. 3d 2d Maude b. 6 Sept. 1875. She m. H.R. Crockett after his first wife, Annie Huestis d. 26 Nov. 1900 aet. 39. Maude d. 2 Dec. 1959. One son Carl was b. of the second marriage. His son Parker operates a jewellery business in Summerside in 1984. + 2g James Arbing Land records reveal that James Arbing purchased 46 ac. on the North Freetown Road (code 24) in 1903 190