He was employed with Austin A. Scales for a period of time and then returned to Fortune Cove. In 1965, he returned to Freetown to work at P.E.I. Flax Industries Ltd. where he stayed for two years. In 1967, he and Helen moved to Spring Valley where they bought a home in 1975. Andrew is a retired farmer, merchant and now a painter. Helen is employed at Cavendish Farms.

Andrew was b. in Fortune Cove in 1910, the son of Sylvang and Mary Ann (Peters) Arsenault. He m. Helen Smith of Centre Line Road. They had three ch.: 1. Otto b. in 1946 m. Judy Reeves, Freetown. They live in Spring Valley. 2. Boyd b. 1947. He m. Jean Arsenault. They have three ch.: Terry, Jason and Robbie, and live in Maple Plains. 3. Audrey b. 1949. She is employed with Cavendish Farms and resides in Spring Valley.

Arthur Arsenault Arthur Arsenault moved to Freetown in 1956 to work with Ronald and Colby Lewis. He lived in the

house provided on the farm. In 1958 he moved to New Arman and was employed with Simmons and MacFarlane Ltd. for almost twenty years. In 1985, Arthur and Edna live 1n Kensington, Arthur 1s a Veteran,

having served 1n the Service Corps 1n World War II.

Arthur was b. 1n St. Felix 1n 1915 to John and Margaret (Arsenault) Arsenault. He m. Edna Martin, daughter of Maryan and Ozelia (Buote) Martin. She was b. 1919. They have eight children: 1. Edmund b. 1940 resides in River Herbert, NS. 2. Barbara b. 1941 m. James Semple, Montague. 3. Joseph m. Theresa Arsenault and resides in Amherst, N.S. They have two girls. 4. Velda b. 27 Dec. 1946 m. Arthur McInnis, New Annan. They have three ch. 5. Walter b. 13 Mar. 1950 m. Sandra Brown, Long Creek. They have three boys. Walter is employed at the Agriculture Research Station Charlottetown. 6. Marena b. 1955 m. Michael Hopkinson, Charlottetown. They have three children. 7. Gilbert b. 1957 m. Cecile Arsenault, Summerside.

8. Karen b. 1962. She m. Eric Compagnion and is now in Germany.

Eddie Arsenault Eddie Frank Arsenault was b. in St. Eleanors. He moved to Freetown where he was a foreman for Austin

A. Scales’ farm operation for about ten years. After he left Freetown he went to BC. where he enlisted in the Second World War and served overseas.

Eddie d. in a Veterans Hospital in Vancouver, BC. Emmanuel Arsenault

Emmanuel Arsenault came to Freetown from the western part of the province and worked for several years with Simmons and MacFarlane before transferring to Austin A. Scales. He and his wife Josephine

had two ch.: Helen and Peter.

Gilbert Arsenault Gilbert Arsenault worked for Wilbert Reeves 1n Lower Freetown for the period from 1922 to 1931. They

lived' 1n a small white house that was located on the Reeves property, south east of the house and farm buildings. Gilbert moved to Bedeque and then to Searletown, where the family still reside.

Gilbert Arsenault was b. 2 July 1900, possibly in Summerside. He m. Lena Avery who was b. in Howlan, 15 June 1900. Gilbert d. in 1984 and Lena d. 1968. They had nine ch. surname Arsenault.

2a Maynard b. Sept. 1923. He was m. and lived in Toronto. He (1. 1981.

2b Lloyd b. 11 Nov. 1926. He lives at home.

2c Willard b. 23 June 1927. He is m. and has eight ch. They reside in Charlottetown. 2d Margaret b. 8 Apr. 1928. She is m. and resides in Toronto.

2e Arthur b. 9 May 1929; n.m. and lives at home.

2f Eva b. 26 July 1931; n.m. and lives at home.

2g Beatrice b. Sept. 1933. She is m. and lives in NS.

2h Sydney b. Sept. 1935. He is m. and lives in Toronto.

2i Gilbert Jr d. y.

Hubert Arsenault Hubert and Christine Arsenault owned the house in the village that was built by Ward McCaull. They