Kay taught school in NS. and was active in community organizations. She was an elder in Juniper Grove United Church.
They have three ch.: 1. Janis Gaynelle, b. 26 May 1953, accountant with the Neptune Theatre Foundation, Halifax. 2. Barbara Elizabeth, b. 20 Feb. 1955 graduated from Acadia University 1977, a teacher at Windsor Elementary School m. Ian MacMillian 29 Jan. 1983. 3. Carolyn Nina, B. 16 Jan. 1963 graduated from University of King’s College, Halifax, 1984.
+4b3d2f Robert Brewer Auld After public school, Brewer Auld went to Prince of Wales College, graduating in 1954. Some three years later he entered Dalhousie Medical School.
On 18 June 1960 he and Dorothy Joan Andrews were married in St. Matthew’s Church, Halifax, NS.
Following Brewer’s graduation from medical school in 1961 and three years in family practice in Yarmouth County, N.S. he completed specialty training in internal medicine in 1969. Until 1976 he was a member of the Department of Medicine at Dalhousie Medical School, at which time he returned to post-graduate training and obtained his FRCS(c) in Urology. He is at present a member ofthe Department ofUrology, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University and Chief of Urology at Camp Hill Hospital.
Joan is a volunteer worker at Victoria General Hospital and is involved in other community projects.
They have three ch.: 1. Jennifer Ann, b. 26 Apr. 1961, at Halifax graduated from Acadia University 1982, French immersion at Laval the following year, at present working with a travel booking firm in Halifax. 2. Alison Joan, b. 31 July 1966 at Halifax, graduated 1984 from Queen Elizabeth High School, Halifax. 3. Warren Brewer, b. 26 Dec. 1973 at Halifax. Now a student at Halifax Grammar School.
Submitted by Jeanette Auld FRANK AYLWARD
Frank and Frances Aylward moved to Freetown from Fernwood, in 1958. Frank worked on the farm and in the potato warehouse for Simmons and MacFarlane Ltd. Frances taught in the South Freetown School from 1958-1964, when they moved to Kelvin. While in Freetown they lived in the house where Lowell Drummond and his family reside in 1985. They also lived in the former Henry Stetson house. Frank and his daughter, Dorothy and her husband, Norbert Peters, live in Kelvin on the Rink Road.
Frank was b. 1907 at Skinners Pond. He m. Frances Kenny 7 Aug. 1934. Frances was b. 1915 at Waterford. She d. 23 July 1967.
Frank and Frances (Kenny) Aylward had five ch. surname Aylward.
2a Robert Daniel (Danny) b. 1936 in Fernwood. He was m. and his wife is deceased. He lives in London, Ont. and is unable to work.
2b Linda b. 1947 in Waterford. She m. Gordon Crabbe Milton. They have one boy, Owen.
2c William (Billie) b. 1948 in Waterford. He m. Pauline McIvor, Newton. They have three ch.: 1. Kelly, b. 30 Dec. 1974. 2. Sherri Lee, b. 12 Oct. 1976. 3. Kerri, b. Jan. 1978. They live in Kensington and William works at Cavendish Farms.
2d David b. 1950 in Waterford. He m. Pauline Gallant. They have two ch.: 1. Ronnie, b. 12 May 1974. 2. Terri, b. 23 Feb. 1981.
2e Dorothy b. 28 Feb. 1957 in Fernwood. She m. Norbert Peters who works at Kensington Co-op Feeds, Dorothy works at the News stand in the Waterfront Mall, Summerside. They have no family.
ALFRED JR. BAGLOLE Alfred Jr. Baglole purchased a farm (code 22) in Freetown on the North Freetown Road and settled
there in 1959. After a few years he purchased the east part of code 37 followed in later years by purchasing the land off two farms (code 35 and code 36). When his son, Dean was married, he took over the operation of the farm and along with his father they carry on a large feeder cattle operation. Junior is Manager of Farm Enterprises Inc. in Summerside. In 1985 Junior and Kay built a new home near their former one.
William Baglole Sr., his wife and six children emigrated from North Devon, England in the early 18405 and settled in Southwest Lot 16, ca. 1845. Alfred Jr. Baglole is a fifth generation Baglole. Junior was b. in Northam 18 Apr. 1934. His father Lester Baglole operated a store there for nineteen years before moving to Summerside East in 1943 to farm. Lester m. Myretta Ellis and they continue to reside in Summerside East.