an Island girl. In 1907, he and Bertie returned to the Island and settled on his fathers farm in South Freetown, now occupied by Lowell Drummond (code 111). Ca. 1916 they moved to Kinkora, and lived where Robert Shea now lives. He ran a store, butcher shop, and operated a meat wagon, returning to the home farm three years later. In 1923, they moved to Freetown Village, where he entered partnership with Robert C. Auld as General Merchants. He later dissolved partnership and operated his own business as a merchant and bought potatoes in carload lots in Freetown. In 1928, they moved to Summerside and Davis worked at R.T. Holman’s until 1933, then at carpentry until he retired. He moved to Wilmot Valley ca. 1959 where he lived in a cottage on the north side of the Wilmot River at the mill. He moved to Charlottetown about 1960. Later he had both legs amputated. He d. in Aug. 1973.

Davis was b. 2 Aug. 1878 in South Freetown. He m. 5 July 1905, Bertie Biggar, daughter of Charles Harding and Emily (Williams) Biggar. She was b. 16 Sept. 1881 in Stanley Bridge and d. 23 Nov. 1963 in Charlottetown. They had two children.

4a 3c2f Hazel Jean b. 15 July 1907 in Boston, Mass. She m. John Andrews, Norboro. (See Andrews history.)

+4b 3c2f Stanley Harold b. 22 Sept. 1910 in South Freetown. He m. Bessie White, Milton.

+4b3c2f Stanley Harold Baker

Stanley was b. in South Freetown and attended school in South Freetown, Kinkora and Freetown. After his marriage he and Bessie lived in Summerside for several years and Stanley worked for the Sun-G10 Fox Feed Co. About 1955 they moved to Cloverdale, B.C. where Stanley supervised a mink ranch, later taking it over.

Stanley was b. 22 Sept. 1910. He m. 25 July 1928 in Milton, Florence Bessie White, daughter of William and Julia (Chappell) White. She was b. 11 Apr. 1911 in Winsloe. '

Children (surname Baker) all b. in Summerside. 1. Stanley Edison, b. 5 Jan. 1929, m. Enid Richards. 2. Hazel Iris, b. 18 Jan. 1930, m. Thomas Belliveau. 3. Joan Francis, b. 11 Sept. 1932, m. Allan Eustis. 4. Rhoda Ann, b. 27 May 1935, m. Douglas Metcalfe. 5. Bertie Jean, b. 22 Jan. 1945, m. Larry Faulkner. 6. Graham Leigh, b. 15 June 1948, m. Catherine Steer.

Stanley d. 24 Feb. 1977 and Bessie lives in White Rock, BC. in 1984.

+3f2f Donald Ellsworth Baker

Donald was b. in South Freetown and lived there until he moved to Summerside where he entered employment with R.T. Holman Ltd. and became manager of the Produce Department. He was chairman of the Prince County Hospital Building Committee, an elder and Sunday School Superintendent in Summerside Presbyterian Church and he was Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge on P.E.I. in 1938.

Donald was b. 14 Oct. 1885 and cl. 2 Mar. 1953 in Summerside. In 1910 he m. Mattie Taylor Lewis, daughter of Joseph and Eliza (Taylor) Lewis. Mattie was b. 14 July 1889 in South Freetown and d. in Vancouver, BC. while she was living with her daughter, Janet.

They had three children, surname Baker.

1. John Cedric, b. 1 Sept. 1911 in South Freetown. n.m. and d. 21 Nov. 1949 in Summerside. 2. Edna Katherine, b. 4 Nov. 1915 in South Freetown, m. Vernon Bricker. They have a boy and a girl. 3. Janet Isobel, b. 11 May 1929 in Summerside, m. Norman Smith. They have a boy and a girl.

+ 2i William Baker William Baker was b. 6 July 1858, and d. 11 May 1909 in Gardiner, Me. He m. Harriet Elizabeth Terry who was b. in Shediac, NE. in 1857. She d. in Gardiner, Me., in 1942.

William took over the management of his brother-in—law’s blacksmith shop in Freetown after Gay Sears and Mary left for Maine. After some time, William followed them to Gardiner, Me. He owned and operated a blacksmith shop there. They had one son, Oscar Terry, b. 2 May 1883 in Gardiner, Me. He m. Ruth Strout.


Larry Baker moved to Freetown in Mar. 1985 and settled on the Drummond Road in a house and lot recently owned by Ernest Heckbert (code 110). Larry is a Technician 1 Photogrammetrist and works with the Mapping Division in Summerside.

Larry Martin Baker was b. 10 Aug. 1955 at Middleton, N.S. He m. Donna Darlene Hearn 18 Aug. 1979. She was b. 14 May 1961.