2f Vivian b. 15 Aug. 1918 at Freetown . She m. LeRoy Gallant . They reside in Summerside . LeRoy operates a successful Furniture Moving and Insurance Business. They have two children: Grant, and Gerene who m. Don Craig and have two sons, Blake and Dale. 2g Clarence b. 12 Nov. 1922 at Freetown . He m. Bernice Larson . They reside in Alberta. They have two girls and three boys, 1. Joyce m. William Bell , 2. Anne, 3. Bruce, 4. Scott, and 5. Donald. + 2a Donald Bernard Donald was b. in Irishtown 8 Sept. 1908. He moved with his family to Freetown in 1916. He m. Amy Paynter of Freetown . They purchased a farm of 140 acres (code 7) adjacent to his fathers farm in 1929. Donald carried on an extensive farm operation until his son Wendell took it over. Then Donald who was an efficient welder, became employed with Welding Co. He d. 12 Nov. 1977. They had four children. 3a 2a Donna b. 10 May 1937. She m. 1. John Ranche b. 31 Oct. 1938. They had three children: (a) Dianna b. 2 Nov. 1957, (b) Shelley b. 25 May 1959 m. Lawrence Stross . They had two ch. Trevor b. 2 Oct. 1982, Caylie b. 29 Mar. 1985 and (c) Terry b. 12 Dec. 1960, she m. Shane MacLaughlin and had one son Jason b. 1 July 1982 d. 27 July 1982. Donna m. 2. Roy Hough . They reside in Alta. 3b 2a Thane b. 19 Aug. 1939 m. Patricia Shaw b. 17 June 1942. Thane has his own welding and repair business near Edmonton, Alta. They have two children. 1. Cheryl b. 30 June 1966. 2. Donald b. 20 May 1968. + 3c 2a Wendell b. 27 Nov. 1942, m. Carol Anne Smith , b. 26 Feb. 1944. 3d 2a Mildred b. 26 Feb. 1945, m. Lloyd MacCallum b. 26 Feb. 1944. Lloyd is a Captain on the C.N. Ferry System and they reside on Read Ave., Summerside . They had three children: Twins Pamela b. 8 June 1971, Rodney b. 8 June 1971 and d. 8 June 1971 and Vanessa b. 25 June 1973. + 3c2a Wendell Bernard In Mar. 1965 Wendell Bernard and Douglas Profitt formed a farming partnership known as Bernard and Profitt Farms . They had taken over the farms owned by their fathers, Donald Bernard and R. A. Profitt (codes 7 and 48). Wendell also bought farm land (code 14 and 47) from his uncle John Paynter . This made a total of 500 ac. In 1969 they formed an incorporated company. They bought the land off the Lloyd Reeves property (code 6) formerly owned by D.M. Bernard the next year. In 1976 Wendell and Carol bought out Douglas Profitts share of the operation, less the R.A. Profitt land. In 1985 Wendell bought practically all the clear land from the Profitt farm. The Bernards maintain a busy farm schedule, growing 150 ac. of potatoes, milking approximately forty cows and keeping a sizable herd of young cattle. Wendell was b. 27 Nov. 1942; m. Carol Anne Smith 27 Nov. 1975. She was b. 25 Apr. 1949. They have three ch. surname Bernard. 4a 3c2a Sarah b. 9 Feb. 1977. 4b 3c2a Mark b. 11 Dec. 1979. 4c 3c2a Martha Gladys b. 15 Oct. 1980. + 2b Angus MacLeod Bernard Angus MacLeod Bernard was b. 15 June 1910 at Irishtown . He attended school in Lower Freetown , went to Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown and obtained a license to teach school in the Province. He taught in Centreville Bedeque , Central Bedeque and Wilmot Valley before going to the Province of Quebec . He worked his own way through university and obtained his B.A . and M.A . degree. He taught in Westmount High School for twenty-three years. On his retirement from the Westmount School, the Westmount Old Boys Association held a special night to honor him, Mr. Leslie Robert , Newspaper Columnist and Radio Commentator addressed the members of the association and presented a medal to Angus MacLeod Bernard retiring head of the English Department who had been associated with the school for twenty-three years. The citation follows, "Be it Resolved That: this body cause to be struck and instigate the necessary procedures for the perpetuation of a MEDAL to be known as the ANGUS M. BERNARD MEDAL, to be given each year, in perpetuity, upon a suitable occasion to the male student who achieves the highest mark in English in his senior year!' Needless to say Angus was very happy for this recognition. Angus m. 1. Jane Clarke and they had two children, (a) Mary b. 27 Nov. 1941. She m. Ian Fleming . They have no family, (b) Ian, b. 19 Apr. 1946. Hem . Helen Todd b. 19 June 1947. They have three children. Thetis, b. 7 June 1973, Christopher b. 17 Dec. 1974, Bronwynn b. 29 June 1976. Angus m. 2. Norma Bourgaize . They have one son Malcolm b. 1960. They reside in Pierrefonds, Quebec . Submitted by Carol Bernard and Gladys Paynter 208