JOHN EDMUND BERNARD John Edmund was b. in Long River in 1876. He m. Charlotte Crozier ca. 1900. She was b. 13 Apr. 1876.

They lived in Spring Valley for a few years after their marriage and then the moved to the Baltic where John Edmund worked in the old Hunter Mill. In 1908, they moved to South Freetown where John Edmund and Weston Francis took over the Rogers Mill, from David Rogers. They ground oatmeal, sawed lumber, ground flour, and crushed grain. They used the stone burrs to grind the oatmeal. Allison Bernard recalls seeing his father sharpening the stone burrs in the mill. On 1 Jan. 1922, John Edmund, Charlotte and family moved to Kensington where Mr. Bernard operated a saw mill. He sold the Rogers Mill to Mr. Joseph

Monaghan, from Kinkora who had returned from service overseas in the First World War. They attended the Presbyterian Church in Freetown, and later at Kensington.

John Edmund d. in 1928, and Charlotte passed away in Nov. 1961. They had eight children.

2a Vera b. 25 July 1901 in Spring Valley. She m. 1. Dwight Beairsto. He d. 19 Apr. 1934. She m. 2. Wm. Donald, Kensington. (See Beairsto history.)

2b James b. 1902 in Spring Valley. He d. in 1917 at Freetown with a ruptured appendix and was bur. in Malpeque Cem.

2c Edward b. 1905 in Spring Valley. He (1. in 1906.

2d Hartwell b. 6 Jan. 1907 in the Baltic. Hartwell went to U.S.A. and m. 1. Edith Milton of Malden Mass. They had two children, Milton b. in 1928 and Charlotte b. in 1930. His wife Edith was killed in an automobile accident in 1933. He m. 2. Gladys Anderson from U.S.A. ca. 1935. They had one son Bruce. Hartwell d. at Malden in May 1971 age 64 years. His wife Gladys passed away in Aug. 1971.

2e Elmer b. 6 Feb. 1909 at Freetown. He m." Evelyn Lockhart. She was b. 12 May 1909. They had two children. 1. John (Jackie) b. 11 Oct. 1934. He m. Joan Larkin. They have five children: (a) Beverly Hi. George Aiken (b) Stephen rn. Rosemarie Blacquiere (c) Cindy m. Weldon Caseley (d) Shelley m. Don Moase (6) Susan m. Grafton Cole. 2. Eleanor b. May 1935. She m. Donald Shaw, Sherwood. They had two boys: Gregory b. 1960. Peter b. 1965. Elmer’s wife Evelyn d. 17 July 1962. He m. 2. Janetta Bryanton 28 Dec. 1976. No children.

2f Allison b. 22 Jan. 1912 at Freetown. He m. Enid Henderson 12 July 1939. She was b. 12 July 1919. They had two boys: 1. Paul b. 17 Sept. 1942. He m. Patricia Ramsay b. 21 May 1942. They have one child Paula. Paul was killed in an accident in 1961. 2. Fred was b. 4 Jan. 1940. He m. Elsie Ronchuk who was b. 19 Feb. 1942. They have two children: Tommy b. 10 June 1974 and Natalie b. 10 Dec . 1978.

2g Greta b. 29 Oct. 1914 at Freetown. She m. George Milton, and resides in Malden, Mass. They have two boys: 1. Edwin b. in 1946. He m. Joan Dillman, and they have three children. 2. David b. June 1947. He m. Karen Johnson and they have three children.

2h Louise b. 8 Apr. 1916 at Freetown. She m. John Milton, Malden, Mass. They have 1 dau. Elizabeth who is m. to William MacAulay, and they have two boys: John and Timothy.

Submitted by Allison Bernard

DAVID BERNARD David Bernard was b. in Elmsdale, the son of George and Katherine Bernard. He m. Margaret Coughlin in 1916. She was b. 26 April ca 1896 in Elmsdale the dau. of Amos and Mary Coughlin.

David Bernard moved to Freetown ca. 1928 and lived in the old Wall place south of the village (code 73) previously occupied by Russell and Dillie (Curley) Reeves, who sold the place to Austin A. Scales. David worked for Mr. Scales for fourteen years. David died on 21 Dec. 1943 and Margaret died 10 Aug. 1965. They adhered to the United Church and are both buried in North Granville cem. They had five children - all girls.

1. Verna b. 19 Mar. 1917 in Elmsdale. She m. Borden Folland of North Granville, now deceased. They had no children. 2. Sylvia b. 20 Aug. 1919 in Elmsdale. She m. Albert Folland of North Granville, deceased. They had four children. Gloria, Wayne, David and Kevin. Gloria is a registered nurse, she m. Mr. Adams and works in Prince County Hospital in Summerside. 3. Violet b. 11 Feb. 1923 in Trenton, N.S. She m. Alvin Mallett, North Granville 2 Oct. 1941, where they still reside. They had no children. 4. Ruby b. 12 Jan. 1927 in Elmsdale. She m. Stanley Green, St. Eleanors, and they have three sons: Garry, Gregory and Glen. 5. Marjorie b. 20 Mar. 1930 in Freetown. She m. Ken Hosack, Toronto, Ont. and they have no children.