Isadore was a brother of Henry Blanchard and came to Freetown to work for Simmons and MacFarlane. He lived in a house located on the road to Kensington just beyond Silas MacFarlanes’ home. When he left Freetown he went to work with Harold Laird, Kelvin.
He m. Irene, daughter of Dougald and Jacqueline Gallant, of South Freetown. They had a family of eighteen children as follows: Alice, Marlene, Gladys, Edward, Harold, Lloyd, Wilfred, Gordon, Raymond, Lorie, Wallace, names of others not available.
Irene lives in 1985 in Toronto. Isadore has been deceased for several years.
Submitted by Kate Murray
Roy Boulter, Albany, lived on the Drummond Road in the 19305. He lived in rooms in a potato warehouse on the property now owned by Mrs. Muriel Stetson (code 108). The warehouse at that time was owned by Fred W. Reeves, Freetown. Roy was a labourer and worked with farmers in the Freetown area.
Roy Boulter was b. in Albany. He m. Blanche beard, daughter ofGeorge and Elizabeth (Farrow) heard of Hampton. She was b. 27 Jan. 1896. In 1985 she lives in Toronto with her daughter, Vertis.
Roy and Blanche (Leard) Boulter had four children, surname Boulter. 2a Alberta d. y.
2b Francis b. 3 Apr. 1920. She m. 1. John Grigg who (1. suddenly in Alberta. They had four children: 1. Bobby, 2. Lorne, 3. Valerie, 4. Bernice. She m. 2. Herbert Partridge, no family.
2c Austin n.m. He served in World War II and was killed in action overseas.
2d Vertis b. 24 June 1924. She m. Dan MacInnis, Travellers Rest, now in Toronto. They have three children: 1. Lynn, 2. Susan, 3. Beverly.
KEIR BOYLE Keir Boyle moved to Freetown ca 1930 and worked for Frank Deacon. He stayed for a few years when he moved to Newton and worked for Aden Mulligan. In 1985 he and his wife Mary are still living in Newton.
Keir, a son ofAlbert J. and Mary (Matthews) Boyle, was b. in Lot 11 in 1903. He m. Mary Ethel Aylward of Tignish. They had thirteen children: four d. young. 1. Freda, 2. Reta, 3. Darlene, 4. Mary, 5. Kate, 6. Melvin, 7. Howard, 8. James, 9. Reginald who was murdered in Toronto in 1976.
CHARLES BRADSHAW Charles Bradshaw built a new home in Lower Freetown on the south side of the Main Freetown Road (code 59). Charles operates a trucking business and at one time was involved in constructing foundations.
Charles was b. 25 Jan. 1948 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bradshaw, Central Bedeque. He m. Shirley Mayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Mayne, Summerfield 24 Oct. 1970. They have one child.
2a Rodney b. 27 Jan. 1977.
Jesse, son ofEllis Hoffman and Adeline (Profitt) Bradshaw, b. 26 Nov. 1908 in Middleton; m. Lillian Burns, dau. of Gordon and Melinda (Dammarell) Burns (see Burns history). Jesse farmed on the Gordon Burns farm until 1975 when they sold the land and reserved the house, and still live there in 1985.
TRUEMAN BROOKS Trueman went to school in West Cape. In Aug. 1916, he enlisted in the First World War, and returned from overseas in June, 1919.
On his return he moved to Northam, and worked on a farm. In 1924, he moved to Freetown and worked for Simmons and MacFarlane, Austin Scales, Everett Schurman and Robert Auld. In 1925 he learned the
barber trade in Halifax and returned to Freetown where he barbered in a section of Robert Auld’s store for several years, and also clerked in the store.
In 1930 he moved with his wife and two daughters to West Cape and farmed. In 1940, he enlisted in the Veterans’ Guard World War II and did guard duty at an ammunition plant in Quebec. In 1941—42 he