in Kelfield, Sask.; m. 1. 9 Nov. 1889, Euphemia Taylor , dau. of Peter Taylor . She was b. 7 July 1871; d. 1 Mar. 1918 in Kelfield, Sask. Judson farmed land in Lot 25 (east code 58) adjacent to his father's property, in Lower Freetown . He was an agent for Massey Harris Machinery Co. prior to 1917, when he moved his family to Kelfield, Sask. Judson m. 2. Mrs. Alma Arno , and had four children from this marriage all born in Sask. 1. Luella, 2. lone, 3. Herbert and 4. Robert. Judson and Euphemia and ten children, all born in Freetown . 5a 4e3f2e Beulah Jane b. 23 Mar. 1890; d. 1965. m. (1) Frank Cowan . He d. 1951. m. (2) Ted Reynolds in 1960. 5b 4e3f2e Percy b. 25 Nov. 1891; d. 17 Jan. 1937; m. Clara Dorholt . 5c 4e3f2e Lottie b. 2 Aug. 1893; d. 5 Sept. 1984; m. 23 Nov. 1910, Elton Cairns . (See Cairns history.) 5d 4e3f2e Charles b. 1895; d. 20 June 1896. 5e 4e3f2e Frank Taylor b. 19 June 1897; d. 9 Sept. 1968; m. Anne________ 5f 4e3f2e Jennie Minetta b. 3 July 1899; m. Tom Myles ; lives in U.S.A . 5g 4e3f2e Leslie Horatio b. 29 Nov. 1901; m. Myrtle Perry . He became an ordained Minister of the Missionary Alliance Church, and is now in Schenectady, N.Y. (1984). 5h 4e3f2e Mattie Bly b. 20 June 1905; m. Victor Winfield ; lives in , Sask. 5 i 4e3f2e Annie Laura b. 29 Oct. 1907; m. Norman Holmes ; lives in U.S.A . 5j 4e3f2e Harold Judson b. 20 May 1913; lives in Sask. + 4g3f2e Edmund Burns Edmund Burns, son of James Stewart and Jane ( Fillmore ) Burns, b. 7 Jan. 1875 in Freetown ; d. 13 Mar. 1955; m. 12 Jan. 1910, Caroline Wills Dammarell, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Dammarell. She was b. 13 Jan. 1884; d. 3 Apr. 1972, bur. in Bedeque Baptist Cem . In the early 1900s, had a fascination which was hard to resist, and so, among many other young people, Edmund Burns went west and settled near Calgary. He was employed by a firm which developed into Burns Meat Packers. He later returned to P.E.I , and took over the family farm in Lower Freetown , where he was a successful farmer for many years (code 58). They had three sons, surname Burns. 5a 4g3f2eBrenton Stewart b. 17 Apr. 1911; d. 2Sept. 1946of polio. He was a staunch supporter of church and community, and took part in local sports events, as well as those activities which supported local endeavors. + 5b 4g3f2e Lloyd Dammarell b. 23 July 1913; d. 22 Jan. 1969; m. 29 Feb. 1936, Edna Rogers . She was b. 1913; d. 7 Dec. 1973. + 5c 4g3f2e Robert Edmund b. 20 Apr. 1917;m. 23 Nov. 1946 Edna Finlayson , dau. of William and Margaret Finlayson, Bangor . Submitted by Edna Burns + 5b4g3f2e Lloyd Dammarell Burns Lloyd Burns, son of Edmund and Caroline (Dammarell) Burns, b. 23 July 1913, in Lower Freetown ; d. 22 Jan. 1969; m. 29 Feb. 1936 Edna Rogers . She was b. 1913; d. 7 Dec. 1973. Lloyd grew up and was educated in Lower Freetown . He and his brother Brenton, each purchased farm land in Lower Freetown , while their brother Robert, farmed the family homestead. Lloyd purchased the present-day Burns' Poultry Farm on 26 June, 1939, from Edmund Burns (code 54). Lloyd and Edna farmed this land and raised their children. In the early years Lloyd was involved in several business ventures. These included Burns' Chick Hatchery and Poultry Farm, Burns' Poultry Killing Plant, and Burns' Crown Assets. In 1954, Lloyd and the late Harold Campbell , founded the food processing firm of Campbell and Burns, Bedeque , of which he was the first president. Although ill health forced him to sever connections with CampĀ¬ bell and Burns, Lloyd continued with the family business, until his death. 220