+4f3e2e John MacKenzie Campbell He m. 1. Wanda Bertram, dau. of Stephen Bertram of Hazel Grove in 1945. They farmed and Wanda had a beauty parlor at Freetown. They sold the homestead in 1953 and moved to Springfield. Two sons were

born ofthis union. Boyce and Donald. He m. 2. Edith Craswell, they have no family. They live in Crapaud, where John is engaged in the transport business.

5a 4f362e Boyce b. 1946 in Freetown and moved with the family to Springfield in 1953. He m. in 1966 Shirley, dau. of Sterling and Reta Nicholson of Breadalbane. They moved to Kensington in 1976 where Boyce is in the transport business. They have two children; Brian and Pauline.

5b 4f3e2e Donald b. 1953 in Springfield. Submitted by J. L. Campbell


Malcolm Campbell and his second wife, Sheila Warren, resided in Freetown on the Campbell Road on the place occupied by Lawrence Banman in 1985 (code 34). They lived here for several years. Malcolm was employed with the Prince County Vocational School, now Holland College, Summerside Centre. Malcolm served as a school trustee in Freetown in 1969-70. Sheila now resides in Charlottetown and is supervisor of Traffic Department for Island Tel. Co. Ltd. Malcolm m. Sheila Warren, Freetown, 16 Mar. 1968. She was b. 16 Oct. 1938. (See Garnet Warren history.)

Malcolm and Sheila had one son, James b. 11 Sept. 1971.

Malcolm had three children by his first wife. 1. Deborah b. 3 May 1955, she In. Blair MacLean and has two children: Bradley and Monica. 2. Sandy b. 25 Dec. 1959. 3. Jill b. 11 Nov. 1963, she is a hairdresser in Montague.

Submitted by Deborah MacLean


John W. Cann came to Freetown from North River with the MacPhee family. He was a stone mason and brick layer. He was a very honorable man. He claimed there were two things about him that no influences could change, his color and his politics. He was a very strong liberal.

John W. Cann was b. 1841 and d. 17 March 1939 at 98 years of age at Fountain Road.

John W. Cann was m. to Catherine Duggan and raised ten children. It is believed that he did not live in Freetown after he was married, but we do know that he did a lot of work in the Freetown area. One of his sons, Perry, was employed with George J ardine for several years, before he was married.


Ernest Carr worked in Freetown for about three years on the farm for Edgar K. Reeves. Ernest had a varied career. He apprenticed with Howard Barlow, Wellington in electric wiring. He was a livestock buyer for Swift Canadian Co. of Moncton. He was a sectionman with the C.N.R. in Wellington and transferred to Summerside. Since 1953, he has been employed with the Journal Publishing Co. in Summerside.

Ernest was b. in Sherbrooke. He m. Lois Barlow of Wellington.

They have seven children: 1. Loweena m. Kenneth Martson, Toronto. They have one son Adam. 2. Hazel, n.m. lives in Scarborough, Ont. 3. Winnifred R.N. m. Eric MacArthur, St. Catherines and have a daughter Kimberley and a son Shawn. 4. Lynn m. Allan M acLeod, Freetown. They have two daughters: Tanya and Tracey. 5. Karen m. Sterling Noye, Wilmot and have a son Douglas and a daughter Jessica. 6. Howard, n.m., Wilmot. 7. John n.m., St. Catherines.

HENRY CLARK Henry Clark was the manager of the Dunk River Salmon Hatchery when it operated on the Dunk River (see chapter 4).

He resided on the property (code 33) that he purchased from Joshua Crossman and some of his children went to school in Lower Freetown. Many years after leaving, the Clarks wrote a letter to some residents in which they praised the two teachers, G.W. West and Bertie Fowler, for the excellent training in the basic subjects their children had received while attending Lower Freetown School in 1881 and 1882.

The property was sold and they moved away sometime after 1888.