family at the age of 8 years. By virtue of an indenture, he received part of the farm (code 65) from his father 23 Mar. 1901. Eventually he took over the farm and buildings.

Joseph Clow m. Annie McCourt, daughter ofPatrick McCourt, South Freetown, 6 Aug. 1887. Joseph and Annie apparently lived with his parents. Annie d. in 1928 at Freetown. Joseph maintained his family and sister-in-law Maggie McCourt until his death in 1942.

Joseph and Annie (McCourt) Clow had three children all born in Freetown. +3a 2m Albert Ray b. in 1890. He m. Mary Haynes who was b. in England in 1898. 3b 2m Allan T. b. 12 Mar. 1892. He d. 4 June 1904.

3c 2m Benjamin m. Louise Arsenault, they lived at Fredericton, NB. for many years.

+3a2m Albert Ray Clow Ray Clow resided in Freetown and operated a store in Freetown Village for a few years. This store was taken over by Davis Baker.

Ray Clow m. Mary Haynes who was b. 1898. She was a young lady who was sent to Canada from England by her church. She was assigned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker in Freetown, where she resided

until she m. Ray Clow. Ray and Mary (Haynes) Clow had three children. Ray d. 11 Dec. 1921. Mary m. 2. Ben Bearisto. She d. 1952.

+4a 3a2m Allan b. 21 May 1916. He m. Annie Morrison, 12 Nov. 1940. Annie was the daughter of Peter and Mae (Keir) Morrison. She was b. 30 Sept. 1918.

4b 3a2m Norman b. 28 Jan. 1919. He m. Margaret Handrahan, 7 Jan. 1947. Margaret was the daughter of Cyprien and Susan Handrahan. Norman served in World War II. He d. 1 Nov. 1979. They had two children: 1. Gary b. 17 July 1956. He m. Debbie Folland 24 July 1976. She was b. 23 June 1956.

They have two children: Michael b. 20 July 1980 and Nicholas b. 13 April 1982. 2. Cathy b. 11 Oct. 1959. She is a Licenced Nursing Assistant and lives in Kamloops, BC.

4c 3a2m Marjorie b. Oct. 1921. She d. 1930.

+4a3a2m Allan Clow

Allan Clow apprenticed in Freetown Railway Station under Clifton B. Matheson for several years. He and Norman continued to live with their grandfather Joseph Clow until he passed away in 1942. In 1940 Joseph deeded a portion of the farm to Allan, and in 1942 he obtained the remaining land and buildings

after his grandfathers death. Allan farmed for several years until his son, Colborne, took over the farming operation. Allan then took a position with the Dairy Division of the RBI. Department of Agriculture which he held until his retirement. Allan and Annie live in a new house located just east of the old Clow residence now occupied by Colborne. Allan and Annie are affiliated with Freetown United Church where Allan has

been an Elder and School Superintendent for many years. Allan and Annie (Morrison) Clow have two sons.

+ 5a 4a3a2m Colborne b. 2 Oct. 1942. He m. Blanche Pauptit, daughter of Herman and Reta (Colwill) Pauptit of Sherbrooke on the 17 Nov. 1962. Blanche was b. 1 July 1943.

5b 4a3a2m Denton b. 28 Sept. 1946. He m. Marion Praught 25 July 1965. She was b. in 1947. They have two boys: 1. Dale Stephen b. 11 Nov. 1965 2. Rodney Denton b. 6 July 1971. Denton, Marion and family live in Pleasant Valley. Denton operates a provincial delivery service for Perfection Foods and Marion is employed with Health Pasteurized Milk Co., Rennies Road.

+5a4a3a2m Colborne Clow

Colborne resides on what remains of the farm, that was purchased by his great grandfather, Samuel Clow, about 1875. Colborne carries on a successful dairy farming operation, and keeps a good herd of pure bred Holstein cattle. He also owns a parcel of land on the north side of the main Freetown Road (excepting some lots)(code 49).

Colborne and Blanche (Pauptit) Clow have three children. 6a 5a4a3a2m Darla Ann b. 28 Oct. 1964. She currently attends Truro Agriculture College. 6b 5a4a3a2m Derwin Allan b. 13 Feb. 1972. 6c 5a4a3a2m Julie Elizabeth b. 6 Aug. 1977.