William was m. to Jemima Clark and John was m. to Sarah Clark , both daughters of John Clark who received a grant of a large acreage in Freetown . William and Jemima had six children. 2a John. He m. Elizabeth Mae MacEwen . They inherited the homestead. 2b Ewen. He moved to Bonshaw . 2c Andrew. He founded the Bonshaw Mills. 2d Margaret. She m. George Clark . They were progenitors of the Clarks in Wilmot Valley . 2e Hannah. She m. John MacEwen , Long Creek . He was the eldest son of Duncan and Ellen (Clark) MacEwen who owned 258 acres of land in Freetown following John Clark 's distribution. Duncan also owned land in Norboro . 2f Mary Elinor . She m. T.D. Crosby a farmer who was J. Pope Crosby 's father. Edmund William Crosby Edmund William was one of the sons of John and Sarah (Clark) Crosby of Meadowbank , who settled in Freetown and was deeded land in 1844. He resided in the where Robert D. Schurman lives in 1985 (code 43). Edmund William made the land available for the erection of the Methodist Church and Cemetery at Freetown in 1862. He also owned 60 acres east of the railroad on the north side of the Main (code 39). This land was later sold to Azzur Reeves. Edmund William was b. 23 Apr. 1821 to John and Sarah (Clark) Crosby of Meadowbank, P.E.I. He m. Sarah Ann Taylor . Edmund d. 7 May 1884 at'63 years of age and Sarah Ann d. 24 Feb. 1889 age 67. Their ch.: 2a Eliza Ann b. 1856. She m. David H. Auld and lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico . 2b Sarah Eugine b. 1861. She d. 17 June 1879. She is buried in Freetown United Church Cem . 2c Mary b. 1863. She m. Frank Hunter , Portland, Ore. 2d Edmund E . b. 12 Dec. 1868. He was a telegraph operator and worked at Kensington and Cape Traverse . He later established a hotel business in Borden. He m. Agnes Catherine Strang of Searletown . He d. 6 Oct. 1923. 2e Emeline m. Albert Craig . He clerked in his Uncle Albert's store in Freetown in 1889. He took the Freetown store over when his Uncle Albert started another store business in Emerald . In Feb. 1906 Albert sold out in Freetown to D.H. Auld and went into the lumber business in partnership with his brother-in-law Bruce Taylor , in Vancouver, B.C. George Crosby William's grandson, George Crosby , was deeded 93 acres land in the new district of Freetown on 9 Mar. 1844 by his father John and Sarah Crosby. This land (code 40) is currently owned by Robert S.P . and Robert J. Jardine . On 1 Feb. 1856 George increased his acreage by buying 50 acres, code 72, from Henry Taylor . He was a farmer. George, his brother Edmund (who lived on the next farm) and George M. Wright were instrumental in erecting the Methodist Church at Freetown . George was a Methodist Class Teacher and in 1864 was listed as a Justice of the Peace at Freetown . On 31 Jan. 1868 George sold his land at Freetown to Peter Taylor and moved to Centreville Bedeque . George was b. 25 Apr. 1819 to John and Sarah (Clark) Crosby of Meadowbank, P.E.I. He m. Ann (Nancy) Wright 20 Jan. 1846. She was the daughter of William Wright of Bedeque and was b. 1 May 1825. She d. 18 Sept. 1901 at Centerville Bedeque . George d. 24 Dec. 1879 at Centreville . They had eight children surname Crosby all b. in Freetown . 2a William Wright b. 26 Nov. 1846 and d. 6 July 1852 in Freetown . 2b Sarah Clark b. 10 Dec. 1850 and d. 7 July 1858 in Freetown . 2c Isabella Ann b. 21 Sept. 1853. She m. Hector Campbell . Clarence Campbell , who was President of the National Hockey League for many years, was believed b. in Centreville Bedeque , a son of Hector and Isabella Ann Campbell . 251