+2b Felix Curley Felix Curley, lived on the main Freetown Road on a farm of 84 acres (code 85). He farmed here all his life. He m. Mary Murtagh of Freetown and they had six children all b. in Freetown.

3a 2b Emma Curley b. 1881. She m. Linus Brennan in 1911. Linus d. 1934 and Emma d. 1963. They had two sons: 1. Leo b. 1912 and d. 1939. He m. Elizabeth Gillis, Indian River in 1935. They had two daughters: (A) Colleen b. 1938. She m. Glen Marsh, Rocanville, Sask. in 1959 and now live in Summerside. They had five children. (a) Kim b. 1956. He m. Linda Andoverich of Montreal and have one daughter, Ashley b. 1982. (b) David b. 1962 m. Rose Mailette,» Summerside. (c) Sheila b. 1963. (d) Blair b. 1968. (e) Cathy b. 1971. (B) Claire b. 1939. Shem. Joseph Robichaud, Tracadie, N.B. They had four boys (a) Michael b. 1962 (b) Richard b. 1963 (c) Brian b. 1968 ((1) Mark b. 1970. 2. Harold b. 1913. He d. 1978; n.m. Harold was a carpenter.

3b 2b Janie b. 1 Nov. 1884; n.m. She d. 1972 in Freetown.

3c 2b Mary Eliza (Minnie) b. 3 Sept. 1886. She m. John McEntee, Emerald. They had six children. 1. Margaret, Mrs. Percy Murphy, Emerald, 2. Eileen, Sister Paula. 3. Leona, m. Roy Goodwin, deceased. She resides at home in Emerald. 4. Iris, m. Henry McInnis, deceased. She lives in New Glasgow, NS. 5. Aeneas resides at home, n.m. He farms and was a teacher at Holland College. Minnie d. Nov. 1979.

John d. Sept. 1964.

3d 2b Margaret b. ca. 1888. She m. James ThOmpson and lived in Darnley. They had no children and are both deceased.

3e 2b Ida b. 4 May 1891. She m. Parnell Curran and they lived in Pleasant Grove. They had at least four children: Kathleen, Doris, Reta and Janie. Ida d. ca. 2 May 1984.

+ 3f 2b John Ambrose b. 20 Feb. 1894. He m. Florence Croken. She was b. 12 Nov. 1914 and d. 25 Sept. 1975.

+3f2b John Ambrose Curley

John Ambrose took over his father’s farm (code 85) and resided there until he sold the land to Edwin K. Lewis. John Ambrose later bought the home and lot that was occupied by Peter Deighan (code 84) and later by Charles Deighan. John Ambrose, in 1985, is living in Charlottetown. His son David resides in the

home at Freetown. John and Florence (Croken) Curley had three children, surname Curley.

4a 3f2b Kevin b. 24 June 1942. He m. Eileen Walsh, Nine Mile Creek. They have four children: 1. Leanne b. 5 Dec. 1967. 2. Paul b. 1 Jan. 1971. 3. Lori, 4. Lisa, twins b. June 1973.

4b 3f2b Mary b. 2 May 1947. She m. David McCardle, Chelton. They have two children: 1. Aaron b. Dec. 1973. 2. John David b. Dec. 1984.

4c 3f2b David b. 2 Apr. 1953. n.m. He resides at home.

+ 2d James Curley Thomas Curley purchased a farm of 90 acres from Thomas Reeves on the North Freetown Road (code

22) for his son James.

James Curley was b. 1854. He m. Margaret Hammill, sister to his brother Patrick’s wife. She was b. 1862 and d. 1940. James d. 1927.

James and Margaret (Hammill) Curley had five children, surname Curley.

3a 2d Louisa m. John McGaughey 29 Apr. 1913. They lived on a farm in Bonshaw. She d. 17 July 1962. They had six children: 1. Johanna lives in Charlottetown. She m. Frank Malone, Kelly’s Cross. They had at least eight children. Frank is deceased. 2. Alfred is m. and lives on the homestead in Bonshaw,

no children. 3. James is m. and lives in Charlottetown. He is a retired dentist. They have two children: Bernard b. 2 Oct. 1943 and David b. 10 Jan. 1945. 4. Della m. Ellison Toole and lives near Bonshaw. They have eight children: (a) Anita b. 27 Oct. 1950. (b) Joanne b. 24 Apr. 1952. (c) Eugene b. 21 Nov. 1954. ((1) Cheryl b. 6 Oct. 1956. (e) Karen b. 31 Oct. 1957. (f) Justina b. 14 Apr. 1960 (g) Allan b. 18

Nov. 1962. (h) Christopher b. 5 Dec. 1968.

+ 3b 2d Alfred b. in 1887. He m. Ethel McKenna, Newton. She was b. 1893 and d. 1968. Alfred d. 17 Feb. 1958.